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I'm looking to join a Organized Crime Family


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Hey, I been searching and searching and I can't tend to find a good crime family or crew to join that's organized. I play PS3 and it shouldn't be hard to find crews but apparently it is. If anyone out the needs a good mature active gamer, I'm the guy.



Edited by xJAMES_JRx
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Do you have any interest in joining an MC? It isn't a crime family, per se, but we cause our fair share of trouble. We definitely are organized and have a solid structure.

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Do you have any interest in joining an MC? It isn't a crime family, per se, but we cause our fair share of trouble. We definitely are organized and have a solid structure.

I never really been in a MC, I've done ride a longs. I wouldn't mind seeing what its about

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What is your social club username? I'll send you a message and we can talk more

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I sent you a message on the Social Club. Check it out when you get a chance.

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Lando killer23

I'm looking for something originazed preferreble a crime family but I want in a clan that is very active I'm on Xbox LANDO KILLER23

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