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[GTA VC Spoilers] Diaz....


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Sorry but i haven't played VCS in years.

But if i remember correctly, Diaz & Victor had a stable friendship (Diaz even let Vic borrow the attack chopper)


But in VC, Vic is killed by Diaz's goons.

Did something happen between them in 1985? or is Diaz just a backstabber?

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I think that Diaz didn't know who did he ambush. He just heard of a deal going on and decided to send people to break it.


Another possibility is that he got against the Vance Family because they were getting more reputation and Diaz might have been afraid that they will be better in dealing so he decided to get rid of competition.

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I think it's more that he didn't know who the deal was with, at that point Vic and Lance were out of town as far as Diaz knew, plus if he did know it was Vic, why would he later let Lance work for him again? He didn't try and kill Lance until Lance tried to kill him first.

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Competition may be one of the reasons why Diaz killed Victor. Vic and Lance arrive on a helicopter to Vice City's docks, while Forelli's associates Tommy Vercetti, Harry, and Lee arrive with $2 million, driven by Ken Rosenberg. Just as the two groups are about to exchange their goods, a small group of hitmen arrives and shoots at them, killing Victor, while Tommy escapes the scene with Ken. It's with the help of Colonel Cortez that Tommy and Lance are able to find that Diaz was the guy who ordered an ambush for the brothers.

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After the events of Vice City Stories, Vic and Lance decided to stay low, away from the crime life, however, the two began to work again by 1986. Files from GTA: Vice City reveal that Vic and Lance operated out of Mexico by 1986, and now own a farm in Panama, most likely where they keep their stash. By 1986, the influence of the Vance crime family has decreased, with the VCPD claiming that only Vic and Lance remain from the gang.

It had something to do with the cases Vic was carrying.

Edited by pajkosinjoSRB
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  • 2 weeks later...

Maybe on case was cocaine

Edited by markusizr
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  • 2 months later...

I think it's more that he didn't know who the deal was with, at that point Vic and Lance were out of town as far as Diaz knew, plus if he did know it was Vic, why would he later let Lance work for him again? He didn't try and kill Lance until Lance tried to kill him first.

But that still wouldn't make sense, because Gonzales told Diaz about the drug deal, so wouldn't he have to name the two specific gangs involved in the drug deal?

Edited by watersgta3
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Gonzales was a f*cking rat and he leaked their deal. Diaz was paranoid because Vance brothers were getting bigger and bigger crime organization so he felt threatenned by their progress,

If you watch cutscene in VCS farewell to arms mission it said that Gonzales must notify Diaz about every deal that goes down in Vice city

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