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The Myth of the "Heist Car"

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Cracks me up everyone talking about putting Buffalo 2's and Exemplars in their garage for the "perfect 4-door heist car." As if (when heists ever come out in 2015) everyone won't be driving themselves in pink Entities and scatter their separate ways as soon as the money is collected.


"Oh wow, we should all use this guy's modded Buffalo. It has excellent consumer safety ratings, looks sleek, and travels at a moderately fast rate of speed for a 4-door sedan. This is perfect. I'll just sit here in the back. I totally trust you with my life, money, and RP in your hands! Let's go!"



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Cracks me up everyone talking about putting Buffalo 2's and Exemplars in their garage for the "perfect 4-door heist car." As if (when heists ever come out in 2015) everyone won't be driving themselves in pink Entities and scatter their separate ways as soon as the money is collected.


"Oh wow, we should all use this guy's modded Buffalo. It has excellent consumer safety ratings, looks sleek, and travels at a moderately fast rate of speed for a 4-door sedan. This is perfect. I'll just sit here in the back. I totally trust you with my life, money, and RP in your hands! Let's go!"




Anyone using a Buffalo for Heists is a tad unimaginitve.


After all, you can get eight in a Granger, ten in a Barracks and a whopping sixteen in an Airport Bus.


I know what's going to be parked outside of my Heist location ;)

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I'll shove my tank barrel trough the bank doors, kill everybody inside in an instant, walk in, do a generic 'hack the terminal' and walk out with the cash, get in my tank and call lester to get rid of the cops. /heists

Edited by Synophrys
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The Angel King



You're just jealous of my exemplar. #Exemplarmasterrace


I hope you are joking ;) The fact that anyone would be jealous of anything in this game a lone is comical.


But..but look at it! Its just majestic as f*ck


Sorry, I don't know what that means ;)

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I'll shove my tank barrel trough the bank doors, kill everybody inside in an instant, walk in, do a generic 'hack the terminal' and walk out with the cash, get in my tank and call lester to get rid of the cops. /heists


Isn't Lester unaviable while in a mission?

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I'll shove my tank barrel trough the bank doors, kill everybody inside in an instant, walk in, do a generic 'hack the terminal' and walk out with the cash, get in my tank and call lester to get rid of the cops. /heists


Isn't Lester unaviable while in a mission?



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With nearly 4k posts I can probably just stop writing new things altogether ;)



It really depends on the mechanics of the heist. If a player dying loses a cut of the heist I'd rather see people split up than cram into one vehicle. If the driver gets gunned down it takes a moment for the passenger to slide over and if he dies those backseaters are sitting ducks.


So an entity or buzzard per two people.


Another vehicle that might come in handy if the cops arrive before you can run is the half million dollar roadblock (Bus).

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With nearly 4k posts I can probably just stop writing new things altogether ;)


It really depends on the mechanics of the heist. If a player dying loses a cut of the heist I'd rather see people split up than cram into one vehicle. If the driver gets gunned down it takes a moment for the passenger to slide over and if he dies those backseaters are sitting ducks.


So an entity or buzzard per two people.


Another vehicle that might come in handy if the cops arrive before you can run is the half million dollar roadblock (Bus).


I'll be close to getting 4 k in a few days. i'm just based

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