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how to get into Trevor's lab


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A couple of friend of mine & myself tried to get in there the other night, but we had some other guys who insisted on having a gunfight & of course the cops were swarming too. Anyway, we never were able to figure it out b/c of all the distractions so can anyone post suggestions or steps we need to take to get in there?


thanks in advance

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Mate its all over YouTube.


But I actually salute your daftness for not knowing.


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Park a SUV or truck in front of the air conditioning unit under the window, jump on truck, jump on unit shoot out window jump up to window and go in.

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Nice one OP, the importance of a question mark is imperative in your subject, you could actually have people assuming you're showing how to get in there. #justsaying

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Just shoot the window and climb up the AC unit.


It's not a really good place to hide from cops or bounties btw as cops can still see you and players can throw stickies/grenades or fire a rocket in there.

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Watch out for cops magically walking through the walls and shooting you in the back.

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I love going in there with friends and shooting the red tanks as they walk by, the fire keeps knocking them down until it finally explodes XD

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