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[PS3] looking to host car meetup 4/9/14 10PM EST


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Okay, so I was on here yesterday looking to perhaps join a car meetup, as I have never done that before. From what I've seen, most of these car meetups seem to have rules in place like you have to be part of socialclub, have to wear certain clothes, etc.


All of these 'rules' don't really seem like what I'm looking for so I am going to attempt to host my own car meetup. For anyone that wants to attend, you don't need to be in social club or a certain crew and I'm not going to demand that you wear special clothes or only bring a certain type of car, etc.


I have myself and 2 friends who I normally play with that want to attend, so I'm looking for about 10-13 players. So far the only plan is to probably have everyone meet at the mod shop with whatever car you want to show up with. We can spend a few minutes going into LSC if people want to do that & then show off your latest mods. After that if anyone has other ideas for fun stuff we can do that too.


I'm looking to do this on Wednesday night (4/9) about 10PM EST. Reply here if interested, or send me a private message if you don't want your PSN ID posted here on the forum. I will not re-post anyone's PSN ID.

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hey I just wanted to let everyone know who had responded that we will not be doing the car meetup tonight due to lack of interest. I will probably try again next week sometime & will include you in the invite for that one. It will probably be same bat-time, same bat-channel.


thanks for your interest

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hey guys sorry we did not have the car meet. Imagine my surprise when i logged onto the forum this morning to see all these replies! Just wanted to say thanks for the interest. I am going to plan on doing one next wednesday night also at 10pm. I will invite everyone who has expressed interest already.

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