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iTunes won't open


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I'm not really good at troubleshooting and might need some help so this is the place I would be going for. Now, I'm having issues with iTunes from my MSI laptop. Says: "This version of iTunes has not been correctly localized for this language. Please run in the English version". And I'm using iTunes 11 (forgot the the last number). Please help, thank you.

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Found this. Hope it helps.


Restart the PC first.


If you're using Vista or 7: After restarting your PC, head to your 'Uninstall a program' control panel, select iTunes and click 'Repair'.


If you're using XP: After restarting your PC, head to your 'Add or Remove Programs' control panel, select 'iTunes' and click 'Change'. Select 'Repair' anc click 'Next'.


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