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1.12 released in UK - changes noticed so far


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  1. A Tournament playlist in the jobs/playlist section (Daemonised)


Double RP/Cash for playing Capture mode (War-Zint)


Rating a job gets you 50 RP (The_Jackal_4563)


"Cops Turn Blind Eye" option available from Lester's contact - "Cops will ignore any crimes you commit for a short period of time.


All created jobs that have below 50% rating were removed. Survivals at 50% are not affected. Haven't tried any of the glitches yet - post below if they have been patched - no cars or heists -


Freezing hasn't been fixed (no surprise since R* won't even acknowledge the problem)


Edited by Adeel007
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Captain Revenge

Update USA East coast, i popped on for a minute. says there were new cars, couldn't find them, mansion website still down, 2 missions removed, crystal clear out 2 and 3. capture creator installed. nothing to see here folks, move along...............

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Update USA East coast, i popped on for a minute. says there were new cars, couldn't find them, mansion website still down, 2 missions removed, crystal clear out 2 and 3. capture creator installed. nothing to see here folks, move along...............

You sure about the capture creator because I haven't got it

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Ugh i want the multiple property ownership thats all I care about

Me too, so many cars I want but have no space to store them

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Ugh i want the multiple property ownership thats all I care about

Me too, so many cars I want but have no space to store them


High Life guys, high life...

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Coveted is gone...

Tough times lol

Yeah totally cold turkey right now =P

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"high life" update will be released on 4 20, duh.

oh my god it all makes sense now

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I have been playing for last three hours, lost connection four times and froze twice...how can they not acknowledge this is happening?!


Another thing I noticed is when spectating there are more options on screen now...L1 to view player profile, L2 to jump to previous player and R2 to view next player

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Captain Revenge

Oh so the high life update is released on Hitler' birthday, well see now that makes sense :)

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Red Lynx 23

I think Chastity learned a whole new sentence in multiplayer, and while attacking a crowd of people outside Tequil-la-la my online character headbutted one of them.

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"high life" update will be released on 4 20, duh.

oh my god it all makes sense now

Hrey Dolan u want two go get sum sweeeeet 420

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