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No invites for Rooftop Rumble.


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As my fellow forum users advised me to put in my ID in the rooftop rumble meetup. I did so. But its been 5 days and I haven't recieved a single invite. Why can't you just give me your GT's so that we can make money together ? Someone above Level 75 ? Gt : Nathan46970 (Xbox)

Edited by Nathan46970
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Dude, just go on your phone, push left and select "Random Mission" - 99% of the time you'll get Rooftop Rumble as that's all people do in GTA nowadays.

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I think you should definitely be frustrated after going to all the trouble to post your gamertag in the thread and then just waiting and not getting ANY free invites to play a mission you are too lowly ranked to play. I definitely wouldn't advise that you go to greater lengths to achieve your goal such as:

1) Posting another thread in the appropriate sub-forum or 2) Adding those players listed in the thread as friends and/or sending them messages indicating your interest in playing RR.

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