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When it comes to bounties i'm like a T-Rex...

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R u the real dumbasslive


Yes I'm the real DomisLive and your insults don't bother me lol :r*: sorry to tell you :lol:

Get out. Know where you are not wanted.


You'll see me around here a lot more good night.

A masochist and a troll are ya? Well, have fun.

When it comes to bounties... I'm like a panda. Too lazy to go after it.


Same...I don't need the money.


Usually I let em pass me by, even if I'm in a tank.


Sure, I could easily blast them...But I wont.\


I CAN, but I only WILL if they piss me off.


I always find it funny when someone goes through all the hassle of chasing a player with a $1000 bounty going through lots of ammo and the long chase. In the end your wasting more money than your getting just like the useless survival mode.

How is this thread still open?

I don't want to be fed...


I want to hunt.


Okay then.


LOL! For those of you who did not get the joke,





I would think to myself does he really need $ 5,000 that bad lol



Yes because obviously everyone else should be a multi-billionaire, just because you are.



Now run along back to Brian B's loving arms.

Edited by JohnGazman
Aero Dynamo

When it comes to bounties, I am like the NSA.


I will spy on you like anything, Hear every calls you make, Watch your every moment, See your every action and then when i am bored i will hunt you down and kill you like the way you deserve to be killed.

Edited by Aero Dynamo

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