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In Game Warning

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So playing in freemode today just doing the usual of shooting some people , having fun etc , when i get a pop up with the words "we are tracking you as a possible cheater , behave yourself" , now i have never cheated in this game ever , why did i get this , is it because of people reporting me after they cant handle being killed or what does this message mean , has anybody else seen this ? , any help would be great . Thanks :)

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Thanks for the help guys , a first for me that people were helpful an no silly comments yet i might add , i wont worrie maybe it was just a automated thing after i got reported by kids in the lobby , an yes i have got the behave or be kicked notice a few times that is people in the lobby voting to kick you it works ad a majority rules if enough people vote you get removed from the session . The message i seen was a little different dame black box pop up but said they are tracking me , i know everything i do is legit my rank , my cars everything all legit , an my stats will prove it

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Hey! Yo Momma so.... ;):D


In all seriousness as others have said the reporters need to be checked more than the reported. The whole kick thing needs redressed or removed altogether and possibly a single means of report used (R* tickets).IMO a lot of in game report functions for games in general are ineffective and either unreliable (what if the game fails) or open to malicious use. Cheaters tend to be evident and trolls are too, but in the case of trolling then at best a proactive revenge system and at worst everyone gangs up on the idiot and griefs them (troll hunting can be fun). at the end of the day people in the world at large do their own thing and will undoubtedly piss others off. You get on with your business or if it persists you can get help from authorities and what not (there's an idea. Players are given a yellow/red card option if they are killed repeatedly 5 times on the trot (if you retaliate (kill the troll) then the penalty system is disabled for that session) or 3 times if you are in passive and you get to throw a player a yellow card. 2 yellows and the red card option appears. Use it and the police swarm (5*) and merryweather are drafted in to constantly harry the perpetrator for 5 min. If the perp is killed they are respawned elsewhere across the map in an enforced passive mode (until they leave the session). If the perpetrator can outrun hell for the 5 min while in passive then penalty is served and normal play resumes. Apartments and garages will be locked though as will PV's. Just an idea though).

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Captain Revenge

A few months back, when the cloud servers were down it had me make a temporarily character just to b able to play. i go to start the same race i created twice and then i got a message "you have been classed as a cheater, return to GTA 5 story mode" Now i don't and didn't cheat, i go back online, temporary character again. After a few missions, another message, closed game. After returning from a break the cloud servers were back and haven't seen message since, it was in a closed friend session. No one was in there with me.

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doesn't matter if they report for what ever damned reason.. i got reported thousands of times for various bullsh*t, got dropped into badsport because of that, been warned that i'm being tracked as cheater bla bla bla. just a bunch of bullsh*t...

Edited by Rwande
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