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Squeaky Voices On Mics


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Just curious if it's some kind of voice mod device. Or do some people really sound like six-year-olds?


Either way: Just. Stop. Talking.

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Misanthrope Z

i find genuine squeakers annoying


sometimes voice changers are funny

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A tank almost always solves the problem. I'm sorry, I can't allow children be exposed to material not appropriate for their age :lol: .

Edited by Rockwheels
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Biggie Kaniff

I have my headset plugged in but never use it, now I don't have to listen to squeakers.


Sometimes the chat setting to mute ppl don't work, as I sometimes can hear someone screaming in their mic even though my headset is hanging 2 meters away from me.

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Just curious if it's some kind of voice mod device. Or do some people really sound like six-year-olds?

10/10 ironic, faux naive post. :^:

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The PS3 has a voice change which can make your voice really deep or squeaky/soft. I have no idea why sony put that sh*t in the first place but you can just mute them. All we need is a "mute all" button(there should be an option for during DM/Race lobbies as well) and everything'll be ok

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The PS3 has a voice change which can make your voice really deep or squeaky/soft. I have no idea why sony put that sh*t in the first place but you can just mute them. All we need is a "mute all" button(there should be an option for during DM/Race lobbies as well) and everything'll be ok

I agree. You're one sad and lonely motherf*cker if you purposely make your voice annoying.

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Just get a headset that has a separate knob for the voice chat to turn it down, you wont hear them in session, in missions, nothing.

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You can tell if a squeaker is a young kid...


Kids that don't STFU get a STFU text, a couple deaths, a mercenary strike, and a $9000 bounty

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I am 18 yet I sound like a 12 year old. I have a 15 yr old pal from school who sounds like hes 24. Xbox is stupid whe it comes to picking up voices

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They can usually be heard calling other players racial slurs.


They are the ones that bitch that you can't own more than one garage yet have never driven a car in real life...

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Squeakers can be funny as heck like Lui Calibre or MRTD. But most are annoying. Then there's actually some 10 year olds.

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I myself immitate a kids voice and people beleive it. I find little kids annoying in gta. They just cry when you kill them.

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I myself immitate a kids voice and people beleive it. I find little kids annoying in gta. They just cry when you kill them.

I've heard them screech and scream, it makes you want to stab your eardrums with a screwdriver
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The worst is when people play crap rap in the background that sounds like it's being played through a tea cup.

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