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Idle time hotfix


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Lucius Aelius

People going idle while taking up server space is a legitimate problem and shouldn't be allowed, if this is true then it's a great move on R*'s part. Sure they've got bigger fish to fry, but every little thing they do to improve the servers (which this will, fewer idle people means more server space for people who are actually playing) is a step in the right direction. If anything they should have cut down the idle time even more to 5-7 minutes or something like that, 10 minutes is a more than generous amount of time for you to be allowed to waste server space.

Edited by Lucius Aelius
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I agree with the people who want to shorten the timer. I see a lot of lobbies with players just sitting in their apartments. It's not unusual to only see five people roaming around at any given time. The timer won't help with controllers that are rubber-banded or the other way people can sit around idle, but it's a start.

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Not good enough, they need to kick people out if they idle for 2 minutes straight.


Its either play GTAO and hold yer shiits and starve, or get kicked for idling. Stop taking up server space.



Then let's apply this to anyone taking up server resources without adding to play value to the sessions :^: Tanks would time out in 2 minutes. :colgate:





I agree with the people who want to shorten the timer. I see a lot of lobbies with players just sitting in their apartments. It's not unusual to only see five people roaming around at any given time. The timer won't help with controllers that are rubber-banded or the other way people can sit around idle, but it's a start.

But sometimes (maybe not often) people are watching the crazy action on their apartment TV. It's a lot easier and safer to watch a twanker or Lazer griefer create chaos on your TV, rather than on the street.

Edited by saintsrow
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It's one thing to kick you for idling in public servers, but it sucks seeing that message when I'm playing SOLO or if it's just a private lobby with a crew or friends.

This!!! I always hated that! If ur solo or in an invite only, they should let you just chill, thats usually the main reason people even play solo or invite-only, to chill and not worry about greifers. R* should not bother those lobbies if they idle.

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Misanthrope Z

Playing today, and the idle time was unchanged... we sure the OP is correct?

i believe him


usually i notice a 13 or 10 minute warning pop up on my screen after a while


now it goes straight to 8. maybe its just me, but it's still odd

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A Parked Car

yet another f*ck up by rockstar


What do you mean another f*ck up by rockstar?


I'm guessing you're one of those idiots that complain for the sake of complaining.


There is no reason for you to stay in a session if you're going to be gone for more than 10 minutes.

Edited by A Parked Car
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luckily i know how not to get kicked for idling


if i wanna leave the controller to put something in the microwave then f*ck you i will

you figured out how to use a rubber band.. Congratulations...



Rubber band!!!!!!!!

My controller is so worn out, i don't even need a rubber band. I just push the left stick to the right and it will stay in that possition and make my character walk in circles. someone's using their ps3 to browse "the Internet" a little to much. Edited by Sushi__Wolf
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Misanthrope Z




luckily i know how not to get kicked for idling


if i wanna leave the controller to put something in the microwave then f*ck you i will

you figured out how to use a rubber band.. Congratulations...

no, but thanks for trying mr. internet-smug


got any other dorky retorts? :beerhat:

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luckily i know how not to get kicked for idling


if i wanna leave the controller to put something in the microwave then f*ck you i will

you figured out how to use a rubber band.. Congratulations...


Rubber band!!!!!!!!

My controller is so worn out, i don't even need a rubber band. I just push the left stick to the right and it will stay in that possition and make my character walk in circles.
someone's using their ps3 to browse "the Internet" a little to much.


Sometimes lol. PS even my reset button on the front of my ps3 stopped working.i now always have to flash it with a piece of cardboard to get the damn thing to boot up. And i play GTA V from my HDD because my laser lens is also busted.


Fat old 60GB first day release FTW! I really need a new one sometime soon.

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Lucius Aelius

It's one thing to kick you for idling in public servers, but it sucks seeing that message when I'm playing SOLO or if it's just a private lobby with a crew or friends.

Even in Invite Only you're still running it on their servers, so from a server load perspective there is no difference between a regular lobby and Invite Only, and having the idle kick feature is therefore entirely and equally appropriate in both instances.

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Earlier I was gone no more than 5 minutes...


And saw "5 mins 30 secs" before you're kicked for being idle...


So, seems legit.


Usually when I'm idle, I'm still "there", but I may be browsing the forums, making a sammich, etc.


I don't rubberband the controller, as I don't care if I get kicked though.

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i was playing like 40minutes ago, i when into passive and ible as i was eating some icecream my kid got for me, and i recieved the normal idle warning at 13 minutes, 10minutes and a odd 8:30 mins warning.


so 15min idle time still in the game as far as i know.

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