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WTC for GTAiii mobile:android:help


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Hi can anyone please help

I trying to add this amazing mod

The World Trade Center on my mobile GTA iii android ..


So please I need help


I haven't tried the WTC mod on the original GTAIII because I just haven't had time.


What I can tell you is the WTC models are very impressive in detail (high poly) and may not even work on the android version of GTAIII. I think the WTC models would need to be optimized first before they replace the existing models in the android version.

Edited by X-Seti
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Hi can anyone please help

I trying to add this amazing mod

The World Trade Center on my mobile GTA iii android ..


So please I need help

I haven't tried the WTC mod on the original GTAIII because I just haven't had time.


What I can tell you is the WTC models are very impressive in detail (high poly) and may not even work on the android version of GTAIII. I think the WTC models would need to be optimized first before they replace the existing models in the android version.

Too bad I have tried them on my mobile they work

But I have TXD problem maybe if u can try them and fix the textures....


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