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Seventh Shin

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Seventh Shin

Share your off-roading pictures and vehicles.


[MUH driving physics comment] something about the driving physics being crap, but less crap off road due to less than 100% traction...


With that out of the way, I'd love to get a group of people together for a spot of off-roading, not crazy high speed stuff, but climbing hills and fording rives, that sort of thing. The only requirement being a truck or similar off road vehicle, keep in mind that river fording, so a bike or supercar might not be the best option.


[MUH driving physics comment] I know the super cars are better off-roaders thanks to the amazing physics, but lets stick with trucks.



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I will my mw mesa and Sandking XL need to get out more. I am on xbon but unavailable today.

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I'm up for the same on ps3.


If someone wants to make a friendly (not trigger happy) off roading crew and post a link here, I'm happy to join.


I make long off road challenges. (Not races) they are designed to actually test YOU not about getting to the finish line 1st.


I have also made a dirt road rally and I am planning a baja race at some point if I can find a good enough area to do it.

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Black Rabbit

Love to slow roll, non-full throttle off-road.

Some places are a good challenge to get to.




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I'm cool with off roading, the land act reservoir is a nice mudding spot.

My Xbox 360 GT is

dI CobraFang Ib

Send me a message regarding this thread so I know thanks.

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Me too!! I'll be on in an hour or so.


Xbox: xGoofxBallx

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Love to slow roll, non-full throttle off-road.

Some places are a good challenge to get to.


Respect people that don't full throttle up a mountain, off-roading isn't about getting there first, it's about the challenge and taking it slow.

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Check out the crew chiliad dirt riders. Is an xbox crew. good tracks and good people to offroad with .

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  • 2 weeks later...

I do enjoy some off roading in my Endurex race bike when i call it from my mechanic

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Commander S

Here's mine (garage-only, unfortunately - need to get some decent 'location' shots of it):



Competition suspension, which actually helps off-roading a great deal - the lower clearance isn't an issue (it's still higher than most other cars - and most obstacles), and lowering the centre of gravity stops it from toppling over at high speeds or on steeper inclines (which is an inherent problem with stock Merryweather Mesas).

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I drove this pig from the mountains southeast of Los Santos, north to MT Gordo and beyond, then up Chiliad, down Old Man's Crack, back up Chiliad and down Bell's End, then up and down two more times. I let several trains smash into it, and jumped it off the cliffs on the west coast, back over the vineyard mountains and into town, then bashed my way through traffic back to the LSC in East Los Santos. Total repair cost - $649.


The thing is almost indestructible.

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^ True.


Roosevelt can fall off a cliff and not scratch.

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Which is better to have as an offroad vehicle the Bodhi or Rebel? I have the Merryweather Mesa already

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Which is better to have as an offroad vehicle the Bodhi or Rebel? I have the Merryweather Mesa already

clean rebel. has the best engine and it's light. rancher has the same engine as well.


sandking is the best though, ever since that update to make it 4WD

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Seventh Shin

I somehow got both my trucks next to one another. Wish it was a better location.



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sweat pants boner

0_0.jpgjust doin alittle urban wheelin in the bro dozer

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Old mans crack challenge before




Shots I've posted in other threads




Keen to go 4x4ing any time that I'm on. If any of you guys/gals are up for a run on XBL hit me up. I'm on most afternoons/evenings east coast Australian time, GT is DavieShredder :)

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I haven't managed to get any outdoor pictures of it yet, but I've been having so much fun ripping up both dirt and tarmac in this:



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I haven't managed to get any outdoor pictures of it yet, but I've been having so much fun ripping up both dirt and tarmac in this:



nudebuggy is the best car in the game lol

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