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NPC driving Entity XF!


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I was just finished a contact mission,spawn back to free roam,suddenly an NPC drive an Entity XF ahead me, is this new of i'm in a modded lobby?



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This is not new - just not very common. Also, it looks like the Entity was riding the NPC instead of the other way around.

Edited by AWEMYGOD
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I was at the aiport just about to jump the ramp to get in the airport and i got ran over by a that truck u use in the prologue,

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Could be "Sentinel" guy. He tends to spawn in other vehicles, such as the Entity.

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When u leave a session in a car your character turns into an npc and will drive in your car

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If a player leaves a session while driving, the car will drive down the road a while before disappearing. Same as a player turning into an NPC when they leave the session.


Beat me to it.

Edited by Bluesun62
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Could be a mugger driving a personal car from the player he stole it from. We sent muggers on tank drivers all the time and its always funny as hell when they succeed. They drive tanks faster than a player can somehow, imagine the lulz

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I had a mugger jack my freiend while he was afk out of a luxor

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It's the "sentinel" guy. He just upgraded his car...

And yeah, not really new.

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I had a random guy try stealing my entity. I ran him over about hundred times and the f*cker wouldnt die and kept running after my car. My mates found it hilarious. I got out the car and shot him. He goes down then gets back up. After me and my friends spent 20 mins trying to kill him we just gave up andd moved on.

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  • 3 months later...
Arrows to Athens

I saw a NPC driving a Super Diamond a few days ago. Would have been a nice steal if I could have stored it.

NPCs are able to drive Super Diamonds.

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The Sentinel driver also drives a black entity, stinger gt, cavalcade, super diamond, tailgater and maybe even more cars. Most of the time his cars are black and he drives like an absolute maniac. There are videos on YouTube and countless threads here which prove that.

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