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27 minutes to the bottom.


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well i was playing single player because i like to mod sp. so i put god mod on in the save editor. went to fort zancudo had a rampage there and had the idea to take a jet and crash it into the ocean.. well 27 minutes and a few cigarettes later i finally hit bottom.. theres a few ufo's a jet pack and a hatch down there. not sure if theres any importance to them but thats all i saw down there.



no but seriously... i hit bottom and there wasnt sh*t down there.

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I once ate a box full of poptarts and my mom got mad at me for eating all of them so I decided to poop them out and put them back in that silver package they come in. I then said I bought new ones and she liked them.

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well i was playing single player


So what the fuk is this thread doing here.

Edited by AWEMYGOD
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Aero Dynamo

well i was playing single player because i like to mod sp. so i put god mod on in the save editor. went to fort zancudo had a rampage there and had the idea to take a jet and crash it into the ocean..


well 27 minutes and a few cigarettes later i finally hit bottom..


theres a few ufo's a jet pack and a hatch down there. not sure if theres any importance to them but thats all i saw down there. no but seriously, I hit bottom and there wasnt sh*t down there.




It Hardly Takes a Minute to Reach the Ocean Floor....

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Aero Dynamo




Man i love Nathan Fillion! Much Respect!

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well i was playing single player because i like to mod sp. so i put god mod on in the save editor. went to fort zancudo had a rampage there and had the idea to take a jet and crash it into the ocean.. well 27 minutes and a few cigarettes later i finally hit bottom.. theres a few ufo's a jet pack and a hatch down there. not sure if theres any importance to them but thats all i saw down there.



no but seriously... i hit bottom and there wasnt sh*t down there.

Wait, how did you know you hit the bottom? It's pitch black down there?

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Aero Dynamo


well i was playing single player because i like to mod sp. so i put god mod on in the save editor. went to fort zancudo had a rampage there and had the idea to take a jet and crash it into the ocean.. well 27 minutes and a few cigarettes later i finally hit bottom.. theres a few ufo's a jet pack and a hatch down there. not sure if theres any importance to them but thats all i saw down there.



no but seriously... i hit bottom and there wasnt sh*t down there.

Wait, how did you know you hit the bottom? It's pitch black down there?



Submarine Bro. And there is a ufo and a hatch in game. Not sure about the jet pack. I guess it never existed but also the secret of mount chillad was never solved so who knows!

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Spaghetti Cat

Thanks OP for all the good info!



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Thanks for sharing, but this really doesn't need its own thread.

Edited by Raavi
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