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What To Expect For The HIGH-LIFE DLC / 1.12 Patch:


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Hello and welcome to my first ever forum post. All of the information being provided below are valid from trusted online sources and speculations given. Please do not hesitate to correct any errors and feel free to leave reliable and helpful tips and comments as well. Thank you and happy reading! ♥


I've been waiting for Update 1.12 (High-Life DLC) to come patiently! Here's what we could expect:


  • A MENTAL STATE STATISTICS: Designed to let players see just how passive or psychotically unhinged fellow players in their sessions really are!
  • NON-CONTACT OPTION FOR RACES: This will allow players to play standard races with collisions disabled between players' vehicles.
  • NEW CALL LESTER OPTION: This will allow Lester to throw the cops off your trailer for a fee.
  • BONUS RP: For players who leave feedbacks (likes and dislikes) on jobs, races and etc.
  • INCREASED GTA $ PAYOUT: For parachute, races, deathmatches and LTS jobs with less than four players.
  • MULTI PROPERTY OWNERSHIP: This option will allow players to own more than one garage and apartment, possibly mansions.
  • NEW WEAPONS: Includes the Bullpup Riffle.
  • NEW CLOTHING: Brand new wardrobe to choose from for your new High-Life look.
  • THREE NEW LAVISH VEHICLES: Includes the Huntley, Pegassi Zentorno and the Dewbauchee Massacro. And a Dinka Thrust motorcycle as well.
  • HEISTS: Team up with your most trusted crew members or with other random mercenaries to pull off cooperative missions for glory and profit.

Any idea on how much these new vehicles could sell for?


I am most certainly excited for the new Pegassi Zentorno vehicle, new apartment AND the heist! ♥

What are you most looking forward to? Share your thoughts.

Edited by LittleMonsterCA
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Oh I'm sorry. Are you not educated? :(

Wow, first post is useless and has been done. Second post = fire!

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