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Mayans MC LS


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The Mayans MC is trying to estabilish in Los santos. We need able bodies to do this. We're looking for active mature people who are active and will follow the rules.

Rule number 1: Ride or die with the president

2: Be loyal

3: Anyone who acts up and isn't mature enough wil be kicked

4: Don't rat out the club


If these rules are not followed, consequences will find you.


If you think you are a man and mc lover enough then send a message to "Northwinters" on social club or type on this thread who you are and why you should be taken in to the MC. We're no gonna lie,being in the MC is dangerous and will probably get you killed someday. But fast cash and a tight brothehood might wight that up.


We are doing or atleast trying to get some roleplaying in to the MC and hope that this will be a thing soon.


/President Brian ,Mayans MC LS Xbox



link: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/mayans_mc_ls_chapter

Edited by MayanMCLS
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I'll start with the role playing....the SONS are gonna fck your face! Lol have a good day

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