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Anybody Heard The Music Near Kauffman Cabs?

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If you have visited Kauffman Cabs, then you may hear a sweet music coming from somewhere.Have you heard it?


The sound is made from the game machines inside it.

c00lrajboy; You say that there is 'music' coming from somewhere either inside, or around Kauffman Cabs!

GTA FanLuca; You say that it is a 'sound' made from "the game machines inside it."

SO WHICH IS IT? Music? Or Sound? And a couple more questions! What are these game machines, how are they making this "Music/Sound", and what is it that they are inside of? Is it a PC thing? Or are you referring to gaming consoles (PlayStation, Xbox, or PC) in general? It would awesome if somebody answered all these questions but if someone can at least respond to any of them, that would be cool. Thanks!

Edited by Shocker1982

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