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Think they will fix the headgear clipping in 1.12?

Terrazi Terrajin

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Terrazi Terrajin

It's still annoying not being to wear helmets or hats while donning the longbob hair style.

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DS Monkfish

Given how long it took them to fix the cornrows, I'm not holding my breath. I haven't even seen them acknowledge the complaints abut it on the R* support page.

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Hopefully, more than the hats I want them to fix the migrating, runny henna look I get for my tattoos sometimes.

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Captain Mannering

I think Rockstar should be more focused on fixing all the freezes and lag before anything else.

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Captain Mannering


I think Rockstar should be more focused on fixing all the freezes and lag before anything else.

Discussed here: http://gtaforums.com/topic/699025-rockstars-response-to-freezing/?hl=%2Bconsole+%2Bfreezing

It seems they fixed freezing by deciding that it's not their fault/problem.



More than likely because they don't want to take the blame for releasing a dodgy patch which is the cause of the issues we are having. Not the consoles.

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