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Game Freezing BADLY right now?


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I haven't really experienced much freezing... heck, I played for 10 hours online yesterday without a single freeze.


I have been playing for about an hour today and it's frozen 3 times on me today.


Normally, it's when an explosion goes off but today, it seems to be happening with nobody around me even if I am just walking or driving.

Sound effects are frozen too although music still plays.

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Don't worry about the freeze, just chill out and let yourself cool down. This may seem cold but I'm just trying to be an ice guy.



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And here I was thinking I would get some helpful replies like... same thing here or its fine for me...

Have you tried doing this...


Why do I ever think I would actually get a NORMAL response from this site?

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its a problem with the 1.11 patch, i freeze about 3-4 times a day when playing with friends, only thing to do about it is wait until patch 1.12 and hopefully it will be repaired.

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Just got out of a golf game with the wife. She loads in and freezes...Ten seconds later I froze. Game is getting worse.

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Def some issues on the open map for me not as common in jobs, maybe its player lag-related as well?

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like i said in different threads, same issue for me since last update, i had 3 freezes in a hour today ... just wtf

Edited by Sharks80fr
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