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Mansions (Wants & Thoughts)

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All your wants and ideas about mansions, express them here.

I want to be able to customize my mansion so it can actually be mine. It doesn't have to be complex, just customizeable. I'd like to be able to pick blueprints (how the house will be built), themed rooms that can be fun, helpful or 'flashy'(poker room, trophy room, gun range etc) and be able to decorate a little bit.

What do you think?

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Captain Revenge

A mansion with a view too start, i favor the interior activity choices. 10 foot high security wall with alligator filled 20 foot wide moat. Helipad, secret escape routes, animals, 20 vehicle garage, hardened shelter for my tank. If you listen to the game radio, there are ads for the real estate company that will be selling mansions in the future, they also have a website "under construction" the name is Lenny Avery Real Estate, the ad mentions some home features, some normal, some weird. I want Fortress Revenge, oh and a 10 vehicle guest garage would also be nice, so their cars will not be exposed to riff raff.

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