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How do I find/search for a DM/mission?


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I played a user created death match tonight that I found very fun to play... I know the name but I'm not sure how to find it on the social club webpage http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/games/gtav/jobs . Unfortunately it doesn't give me an option to search for user created jobs... just R*, R* verified, friends, clan jobs.. and that's about it.


Is there a way to do a general search beyond those restrictions?

Edited by RAS_ZeroZ
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Doesnt it have to be rockstar verified? I know you can find races that are not r* verified but not sure about dms

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There is an option to search by SC Members, you will probably have to know their SC name to find it. There is also search by Any Publisher, narrow it down with the mission type selector and pick the location out of the filters in advanced settings.


I have been trying this now for a few minutes. Looking for one of my own jobs: I chose Any Publisher>Race>Advanced Filters>entered all location tags for the race I was looking for. It brought up 359,161 results. Find the creators GT and get the SC info from them is probably the best way.

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