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Dropped Guns Mauling My Suspension..!


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Sooooo, was going through Rooftop Rumble once or twice, as a break from digital art and to kinda prepare for the second garage and all the new cars... I usually go about pulling up my car to the side of the garage, shoot the three guys in the front (and the occasional hero who runs out to try and gun me down, haha), go up to the wall with the bushes to the side and shoot the rest from cover through the.... Window? Not really. Opening in wall? Yes, let's go with that.

So, this works well, everyone's dead, I pull the car into the garage, in reverse, so I can instantly speed off when I've picked up the files, without having a big fat black Granger mauling me as my character suddenly decides to take a couple of minutes to actually drive off, as he always does during missions...

But now, I drive over one of the rifles... And it kinda freaks out a lil bit, kinda gets stuck in my rear wheel arch for a second, and actually fires off some rounds! Now, I know guns dropped by people can sometimes fire off a round when they hit the ground, which they already did in GTA IV... I just didn't expect it to happen when you drive over said gun.

Not much special, short and somewhat random topic, but hey, at least it's not whining about tanks, griefing, or crying about "Cockstar" creating the "worst game ever." :p

Anything weird like that ever happen to you, with guns going off randomly, like when dropped or anything else?

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When guns drop out of hands or you walk over them they have a chance of firing. Just Like gta iv

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I've seen this happen numerous times and believe it or not, I've actually been killed by it. f*cking hilarious!

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I've died to it in both V and IV. It's rare, but when it happens it either makes me laugh or rage.


In V, I got up close and personal with a micro smg toting thug and when he died, the gun fell and shot me taking my last sliver of health. I raged because I was the last person alive.


In IV I was holding out in an apartment block in Broker, gunning down any and all officers that came up after me. I was caught reloading and a shotgun cop managed to get a blast in on me, which lowered my health to almost nil. I shoved him away and then shot him, and (you guessed it) his shotty fell to the floor and discharged, thus killing me. I laughed my ass off because when Niko was falling to the floor, the same cop said "I'm gonna be okay, i'm gonna be okay."

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When guns drop out of hands or you walk over them they have a chance of firing. Just Like gta iv


That's sorta the point of this topic, yes :p




I've seen this happen numerous times and believe it or not, I've actually been killed by it. f*cking hilarious!

I always feel like I don't see it enough, I love that lil detail! To see it bounce around and fire around a burst of rounds from my wheel arch is pretty amusing~

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