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DYOM: Changing player's spawn point


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Hey guys, I want to make a mission in GTA Vice City Stories PC version mod.

But, after loading, it crash, so, here's my question. Is this possible to edit player's spawn point when you aren't playing mission?

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Vice City ''Stories'' PC Edition? i don't know it but i know San Vice mod, so i could help you there. by the way, if you want to change spawn point then go on map mark at any place then get into game -> menu -> tools -> teleport to marker. this would help you.

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DYOM may not work with some mods, and by that I mean frequent crashes. That's why your game crashes probably.

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About your second question, select Player from the menu, go to where you want to place it and select the skin, weapon and health. The player will be defined afterwards.

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Congratulations, your answers were completly useless. Of course he know how to change player spawnpoint, the problem is, that he can't do it. I had the same problem while making one of the missions, I didn't found a solution for it, probably because I had very much actors, objects, pickups and objectives in one place, and mods aren't the problem, because I had clean version of the game.


PS He can't even load the mission, so any "helpful answers" about doing something in the game are worthless.

Edited by xMatix
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and mods aren't the problem, because I had clean version of the game.

So you basically contradicted yourself.


And mods ARE the problem. Especially those total conversions. While I don't have anything against them, they are frequently the main cause of DYOM crashes.

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