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Engine Rev up


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I'm sure most of us have noticed that GTA San Andreas vehicles don't go to higher RPMs when the handbrake and the acceleration are held. The engine emits a single-tone sound instead of revving up like it should. This effect is found in GTA III and VC, however it is absent in GTA San Andreas overall.


Is there any way to restore this feature? Like asi or any script?


Note: I've already checked and compared both sounds from GTA VC and GTA SA (since they both use the same engine sounds). They're the same and they just emit a single-tone sound. The code itself seems to be the cause of the engines revving up.



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I wouldn't mind this being done in San Andreas too, you know. I've just played GTA III again and I noticed that if you hold W + S (if you use the default control layout), vehicles make a low-pitched sound. This sound is the same if you drive off slowly from a standstill. If you hold W + spacebar (again, by default) you hear what would be the only "revving" sound in GTA: SA. In the past few weeks I've collected a few nice-sounding engine sounds of vehicles, yet they still fit within GTA's "immersion". The only problem is I don't know how to implement them in-game (and I don't want to use SAAT GUI Frontend either because it's a bit buggy). :)

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