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Warning! Don't quit with a vehicle in the impound


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be sure to get impounded and destroyed vehicles situated before exiting if you can help it.

I did not do this and when I logged in I drove a motorcycle out of my garage even though
I had an impounded vehicle, it was cheap enough that i didn't mind the insurance fee

of mors mutual to replace it, but of course when this happened it was destroyed

and put into "vehicle" limbo, unable to replace.


Hopefully this vehicle limbo issues is addressed in future updates.


Until then, be very careful!

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This reminds me, someone shot me the moment i spawned in a match, i then sniped his face a few times and his car got impounded, then i jumped on my bike and called Pegasus for a cargobob. He chased me but was far behind me. However i had to climb up a ladder and start up the cargobob.


The moment i arived at the impound i saw him pulling over with a van to go and hop the fence & steel his turismo. I slammed my cargobob into him and he died, i then pulled his car out of the impoud lot and dropped it into the water and left the match asap after that because i was tired.


Next day i check my messages and see 3 of them from that said person, all out in rage how he lost his turismo and couldn't get it back anymore, all out rage, caling me names ect.


Long story short, i think he got messed up just like you somehow.

Edited by Ninja_Gear
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I did this once and it worked. I left my bike at the impound, signed out totally forgot about it. Next day I signed on, wasn't in the impound, so I pulled another car out, drove it back in, and my bike appeared. I didn't have to pay Mors or an impound fee.

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yeah, its unfortunate that this mysterious issues has affected me so many times and in such different ways, this is probably the 4th or 5th time this has happened to me with various cars and in various ways..


Its not very fun having expensive cars you've invested in just sitting in your garage because the GTA boogie-man will steal them in the night.

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Friendly Lava Lamp

Thank you for the friendly reminder, I had this issue plague me not to long ago. I lost the very first "expensive" vehicle, A hard top Coquette. R.I.P

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Damn I am glad I always get my car if it is impounded or destroyed. Good looking out though for those that don't know about this.

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good thing i return my vehicles to the garage before logging off. it's just a habit i've always had.

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Obviously we should all buy cashcards and quit our whining.


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wow that sucks man...


for some reason i always make sure all my cars are in the garage before leaving gtao.


i always refill all my ammo, all the snacks and make sure all the cars are in.

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Special Agent 25

ever since the slot 1 glitch, i've always checked to make sure all my cars are back in my garage before logging out.


play it safe and stuff..

Edited by L5B4LIF3
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This reminds me, someone shot me the moment i spawned in a match, i then sniped his face a few times and his car got impounded, then i jumped on my bike and called Pegasus for a cargobob. He chased me but was far behind me. However i had to climb up a ladder and start up the cargobob.


The moment i arived at the impound i saw him pulling over with a van to go and hop the fence & steel his turismo. I slammed my cargobob into him and he died, i then pulled his car out of the impoud lot and dropped it into the water and left the match asap after that because i was tired.


Next day i check my messages and see 3 of them from that said person, all out in rage how he lost his turismo and couldn't get it back anymore, all out rage, caling me names ect.


Long story short, i think he got messed up just like you somehow.

I love you.


Awesome story.

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This reminds me, someone shot me the moment i spawned in a match, i then sniped his face a few times and his car got impounded, then i jumped on my bike and called Pegasus for a cargobob. He chased me but was far behind me. However i had to climb up a ladder and start up the cargobob.


The moment i arived at the impound i saw him pulling over with a van to go and hop the fence & steel his turismo. I slammed my cargobob into him and he died, i then pulled his car out of the impoud lot and dropped it into the water and left the match asap after that because i was tired.


Next day i check my messages and see 3 of them from that said person, all out in rage how he lost his turismo and couldn't get it back anymore, all out rage, caling me names ect.


Long story short, i think he got messed up just like you somehow.

10/10 would read again.


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Thanks for the heads up, OP. Didn't know about this issue.

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I had this happen in the early days, and I did not understand where my car went. :angry:


A few nights ago, I forgot I had a car in impound, or sitting at Mors (I forget which), and when I got in a car in my garage to take it out, I got an actual warning message pop-up that said, if you leave the garage in this vehicle, your outside PV will be destroyed. :wtf:


The underlying logic is that the game does not allow more than one PV outside the garage. Otherwise, someone might find a way to have some fun. :p

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I like to think when the next update with 2 garages comes out you will be able to glitch dupe cars between two garages so you can get your cash back. :)

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Commander S

'Liked' this, OP - simply because it's a damn scary PSA.

Lost a fully-upgraded car due to a Mechanic/Personal Vehicle bug months ago, and it was a monumental pain in the ass - going to add this to the list of 'things to avoid doing like the plague in GTAO', because I'm not going through that again if I can help it...

Edited by Cmdr_Shepherd
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I don't mind, ill get another one the same way I get most my whips..


SP>MP mo'f*ckaz

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Commander S

I like to think when the next update with 2 garages comes out you will be able to glitch dupe cars between two garages so you can get your cash back. :)

...or the Mechanic/personal vehicle system has a seizure trying to incorporate more than one garage/more than 10 cars/moving cars between the two, and we see a string of personal vehicles disappearing into thin air - calling it now...

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Happened to my friend's Adder yesterday. Don't know if he lost the car or if it returned to his garage because he didn't seem pissed about it.

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Sir Michael

It doesn't help that there's the freezing problem still going on.. makes GTA sketchy to play nowadays.

This crap is the reason why glitching happens. SP to MP and the Premium Car glitch are your best friends here...

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It doesn't help that there's the freezing problem still going on.. makes GTA sketchy to play nowadays.


This crap is the reason why glitching happens. SP to MP and the Premium Car glitch are your best friends here...

Doing the Money glitch and buying all your premium cars is better.

Only because you can sell them if needed and get top dollar guaranteed, without doing another glitch that might get patched. :santa:

Edited by Malibu454
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This reminds me, someone shot me the moment i spawned in a match, i then sniped his face a few times and his car got impounded, then i jumped on my bike and called Pegasus for a cargobob. He chased me but was far behind me. However i had to climb up a ladder and start up the cargobob.


The moment i arived at the impound i saw him pulling over with a van to go and hop the fence & steel his turismo. I slammed my cargobob into him and he died, i then pulled his car out of the impoud lot and dropped it into the water and left the match asap after that because i was tired.


Next day i check my messages and see 3 of them from that said person, all out in rage how he lost his turismo and couldn't get it back anymore, all out rage, caling me names ect.


Long story short, i think he got messed up just like you somehow.

dick move buddy

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The joys of driving crap in freeroam, I may get passed by bicycles but an Emperor or a Minivan are quite simple cars to replace in a worst case scenario (and I personally enjoy them much more than supercars so it's not a 'downgrade' to me though with a second garage I may actually go some muscle cars)

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This reminds me, someone shot me the moment i spawned in a match

dick move buddy


if someone shot me immediately when i joined a session, i'de bring hell upon thee

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