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Muscle cars did rock* forget about them?

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Where is muscle car DLC? All I see is Super cars and Sports cars why no Muscle car DLC? That's what I want to know? I'm fed up with no love for the great Muscle cars, like old Chargers,Superbee,new Camaro(not a Challenger),older Mustangs,Cuda,GTO,AMX,Javelin and Roadrunner. I think the Tampa,Stallion and Dukes could be brought back.

Edited by beretta-gt88
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Majority of people wants more super cars

In game driving mechanics and vibe fits the best to super/sport cars, so probably that's the reasons they keep adding them.

I understand but now the car classes are unbalanced now. :cry:


Rather than a muscle car DLC, why not a Semi Truck DLC? I think that has more potential over muscle cars, even moreso since it'll give the wannabee trucker rednecks something to cream their pants about. Hell, flannel cut-off shirts and trucker caps in multiplayer, they can't go wrong!

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Gnocchi Flip Flops

Majority of people wants more super cars

No, Rockstar assumes that the majority of people want more super cars. But that isn't true, I'm f*cking tired of them and I'm not alone. Never have I hated sport/super cars so much within a video game. How they could overkill super cars is beyond me, but they did. They're beginning to suck at bringing variety to the table.


They could easily add classics, cars from IV, redo cars from VC or SA, add semi's, an RV, or add some hatchbacks or wagons, but no. We're just getting more stupid ass super cars. For Christ sakes, Rockstar, stop!

Edited by StingrayX
Lethal Vaccine

They all have the same shape/body, too. Same curvy features, etc...


As you know I store all the Super/Sports, and have some Sports Classics, a motorcycle, and police vehicles, but even I am getting sick of the Super/Sports. I planned on surely updating every Patch they release such vehicles, but after 1.12 I am DONE. Massacro and Zentorno is the last vehicles I touch for DLC vehicles, and it's the last update I touch as well. I swear I am not updating until I see "We, Rockstar, will be adding more storage space to Single Player." If I never see that, well, then f*ck it. I won't update, not even for the big story DLC...

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I miss the Dukes and its insane power sliding.


I miss the muscle cars too. And as far as car releases go I agree with the fact they release TOO many HYPER MEGA whips.


I wanted a crx, or little hatch to mod... Didn't get that this time.


The wheelie bar for the Sabre doesn't even allow the front wheels to lift on acceleration.


I would love to see a few more sports classics too!



Majority of people wants more super cars

No, Rockstar assumes that the majority of people want more super cars. But that isn't true, I'm f*cking tired of them and I'm not alone. Never have I hated sport/super cars so much within a video game. How they could overkill super cars is beyond me, but they did. They're beginning to suck at bringing variety to the table.


They could easily add classics, cars from IV, redo cars from VC or SA, add semi's, an RV, or add some hatchbacks or wagons, but no. We're just getting more stupid ass super cars. For Christ sakes, Rockstar, stop!


I agree totally I was online the other day and was cruising in my General Lee(Vigero since there's no Dukes) and was chased by a super car and they could not drive and wrecked constantly and I power slid every corner I laughed so hard in Muscle car out manuvering a Super car LOL!

Edited by beretta-gt88
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all there worried about is the broken machine called online all these wasted months just fixing online problems

I know online is mostly one big death match, last 2 times I played my cars were blownup and someone continued to kill me until I left online lame.


Back on topic I want Imponte Dukes,Declasse Tampa and Declasse Sabre

Finally people are seeing sense muscle cars are way better, all of mine are muscle cars and pickups, in fact why not have muscle/pickup DLCs your not going to take a sports car outside of LS to be honest. That's where the muscle and pickups live

Mokrie Dela

Majority of people wants more super cars

In game driving mechanics and vibe fits the best to super/sport cars, so probably that's the reasons they keep adding them.

This is very much true, or it's at least what R* think.




Yeah i want some muscle cars. I think it'll happen though, just after they've given us the free boring supercars crap.


In IV supercars were super, and rare. In V they're more common than your standard sedans, and even the Feltzer, which was common but pretty standard in IV, looks like it's on steroids.


Tampa, Dukes, Stallion, Helenbach - there's a lot of cars R* can add, but look at V's muscle cars - Gauntlet, dominator, bucaneer - they're not exactly brilliant. No power, no sense of muscle.


I want more normal cars too, like merit etc but the DLC only adds cars to your garage, not in traffic so I don't give a sh*t what they add now.

As long as majority of the playbase is racing around in supercars, R* will keep assuming that we want supercars. I'm sure if everyone was glorifying the Dominator or Buccaneer, we would have gotten a "Cuda" or "Duster" by now.

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Not much of a muscle car enthusiast myself, but it would be nice to have a few more in the game to add variety.


Would really go for a proper offroad DLC.. The Rebel is the only decent looking machine in the game, need some more extreme mods available. Window tinting and fancy wheels can only go so far.


Sort of on topic, has anyone noticed that putting muscle car wheels on a car changes its handling? I put some on the vapid bullet GT and it became a drift machine.. Mmmm donuts..

Am I the only one that wants more offroad dlc?


I agree though the supercars are getting over done.


An offroad dlc is what I'm hoping for. preferably featuring a Hummer H1 and/or military variant.


A muscle car dlc would be great too. But really anything that doesn't involve more super cars would be just awesome.

Drunken Cowboy

And off-roaders, and sedans, and choppers, and cruiser motorcycles, and vans, and trucks, and more.


"MORE SUITS AND SUPER CARS, R*! Your entire audience are vapid Chrome Adder drivers! Screw everyone else!"


I am so f*cking tired of the suits. What the f*ck do people seriously see on this. A street thug with a smart suit?

Edited by Bonnano

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