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Epic action photo with +/- 16 players (PS3)

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I have this idea in my head for a while now about getting about 16 or so players together and making an epic action photo.

My own idea would be a chase with several vehicles, motorbikes, super cars, SUVs, truck(s), Buzzards and a Lazer jet.

The motorbikes would be leading the pack, chased by the super cars, which are hunted by the SUVs then quickly followed by a truck or 2. The Buzzards would be flying somewhere in the middle. The jet would come in and destroy 1 of the Buzzards and at that time I take the photo (can be done with the ingame phone or my capture card)


That´s just my idea of an epic action chase picture and if anyone has any better ideas feel free to bring them in.


The hardest part here will be getting 16 players together at the same time and the timing and communication can be hard aswell.


But if we can pull a thing like this off that would be awesome and I can use the photo as my background and sent it to everyone who participated ofcourse. :)


I really hope people are up for this so we can pull this off.


I go by MrCostari on PSN.

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Cool, great! Forgot to mention my laptop is broken and my new one should be here Tuesday so I´ll check back here and add everyone then. At my parents now using my Dad´s PC, will go home in an hour.

Edited by MrCostari
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