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Rooftop Rumble gone from job list?

sYko DiamondZ

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sYko DiamondZ

Rooftop Rumble no longer appears in the start menu job list, I haven't tried calling Martin yet maybe that works...


Yeah I know that there are probably a bunch of threads about this same topic, but I just wanted to know if any of you have the same problem as me and if anyone has a solution.


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This happened over a week ago. They removed it from the list to effect a hotfix that was causing the mission to fail, even when completed. You now need to wait for Martin to offer it to you.


On the plus side, you'll get the same amount of cash from it as you did when you first played it, since it's classed as a uncompleted mission.

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Was the hotfix applied? Because before it never failed, even when completed, until they decided to mess with it.

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