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Winshield Wipers


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I have been thinking about it for months. Why can't Rockstar add windshield wipers to vehicles? They could turn on automatically when it rains. There could be two speeds, normal when it rains and fast for when there's a thunderstorm. Just a small addition no make the game look a tad more realistic. Same goes for GTA V story mode.

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Probably because you're not looking out the the windshield when you drive, the rain on the glass doesn't cause a visibility issue like real life. You wouldn't even see them unless you stop and rotate the camera around. It would add realism but I would rather that tiny bit of processing power went to rendering things like roads and buildings.

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Probably because you're not looking out the the windshield when you drive[...] You wouldn't even see them unless you stop and rotate the camera around.[...]


BUT there is one thing you've forgotten:

you would see them constantly on other cars. on the other hand I guess if every car in the game would have moving windshield wipers + rainy weather one would pretty quick become insane by the "wiper overflow" on screen. :D

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