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Tank Jealousy


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Why are there so many sad noobs that rant and bitch about the tank all because they don't have one? Why do they treat all tank owners as an arsehole all because they got a tank fair and square? It makes me laugh my arse off that so many people can rage and create such a big thing over the tank. It would be a different matter to them if they own a tank. Oh yes, they would be saying a different story and trolling people wioth it like modders. Before these jealous people that don;t have a tank continue their immature rants and fight starting to tank owners, they should think more about ranting over the modders an hackers that ruin the game and the leaderboards.


I posted something about my tank even though I mostly use it in Solo and I stated in my other message about me attacking the cops and an enemy at a gang attack and one jealous moron here decided to start a fight. What a shame, I have a tank and he/she doesn't. Some people like that one need to grow up. What does that person expect me to do, ditch my tank all because he/she lacks the skill to get one. Pathetic.

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I'm one of the few that don't want and don't have a tank. I prefer the Buzzard or Jet. The Tank is like having an unlimited rocket launcher on the first level of a game and all enemies are armless toddlers.

So overrated and overpowered. It's a piece of sh*t.

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I have a tank, still hate people that pull them out and grief people, especially with low ranks. The only times I have used it, maybe like 10 total, were to kill tank griefers and a couple of times in invite only to mess with cops. Don't assume the tank hate is out of jealousy, I'm sure there are many that have/could have tanks that hate them. Tanks should unlock at a higher rank, and only after a weapon that can kill them in 3-4 shots is unlocked. If I see someone in a tank killing people with ranks under 50, I presume them to be dbags, I could care less if they "earned their tank" especially since most didn't.

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Own a tank and a buzzard, the buzzard is really useful in certain missions. The tank is useful for destroying other tanks.


I still hate tank griefers they're annoying as hell. I'd get bored camping outside of LSC all day and blasting players that have no chance.

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Yeah I'm jealous of the guy that sucks at the game so bad he sits in an armored explosive shooting vehicle blowing pedestrians up to feel like a big man, just camping players and blowing them up at spawn. I own a tank and don't even break it out for that scum

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Most of the time though if I'm in my tank just pissing about before you know it , a few players are firing rocket launchers at me to try blow me up , so what you supposed to do just sit there and die cos it's mean f*ck that , can have a good battle with a tank while on foot anyway , that is of coarse if your any good at the game like you whinging gits constantly accuse anyone in a tank of not being , not all fights will be fair , use your skill to out smart them or don't if you suck ,

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