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Is platinum tint worth getting on guns?


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I unlocked it when I reached 100, and I have gold on all my guns. It does look like steel, which is a bit plain. But will it make me seem look I'm one of the better players, or will it just make my guns look plain? Thanks!

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Plain. however there other colors for your weapons that requires different goals like to get Red. you need 1000 headshots.

Edited by AlexSniperBullet
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Some guns look good in platinum. but if youre one of those people who slap everything on their gun, it shouldnt matter because its already ugly as hell

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None of them are particularly interesting. Made all of mine pink just because it makes little kids whine more.

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I put in on my nade launcher since I have gold on too much else. It looks better in person rather than in ammunation where it looks boring in comparison to the other tints. Not bad. But nothng special really

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I also use pink. Like my guns flashy/bright(since it's the only color I've unlocked so far)

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I barely started to put skins in my guns. I really never felt the need to. I mean, what purpose do they really serve. Other than, "ha ha look at me I'm better than you!"


But back on topic, I like the platinum, looks nice on some, but not all the guns.

Edited by beanzinapot
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platinum won't impress anyone. get that lspd tint if you really want to turn (and take out) some heads.

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Mr. Crowley

Is lime green paint worth getting on cars?


...kinda the same question.


It's just personal preference.

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Is any tint "worth" getting? Do the tint's add anything to the gun besides color? No, any tint is not "worth" getting as it is a waste of cash. However, if you want to change the color of the gun go right ahead, but none of the tints really have any value.

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I unlocked it when I reached 100, and I have gold on all my guns. It does look like steel, which is a bit plain. But will it make me seem look I'm one of the better players, or will it just make my guns look plain? Thanks!





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Green on the assault rifle looks shmexy though. worth the 200 player kills using DNS mods, I mean skill

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To me, the bright colours look bad and I cbf to give off an impression on how good I am.

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i switch my weapons colors periodically just for the fun, but my grenade launcher, and minigun are always platinum.

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Honestly, I like some of the weapons, like the new special carbine, black. But im trying to unlock all of the tints, its good fun, and very tough with the basic pistol or sawd off shottie.

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Because you have the time to look at someones weapon while they shoot you.

Why would anyone, besides you, look at your weapons? Do whatever you like.

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Most of my guns are the standard colour but I use the LSPD tint on the guns I actually have it unlocked for. I like to keep my guns a dark colour so they're harder to see in the dark. Whenever I'm in a gunfight and I see a gold/pink gun I find the person to be an even easier target.


When it comes to the platinum tint, well, I don't really care much for it. The only platinum tint weapon I have is my Pistol .50 which I only use for the first 4 waves of a survival. If you like the way it looks, use it.

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Platinum tint makes the guns nice and shiny without being obnoxious. I put it on the weapons I use the most.

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Biggie Kaniff

I have LSPD tint for the AP pistol and Advanced rifle. I used to only use the Orange tint for them, but LSPD is blue and that's nice.


Platinum tint however is nice too. My Heavy Pistol is platinum, as well as my RPG and Grenade launcher. The minigun maybe should be too, but I have gold on it for now.


My other weapons are mixed in tints. Some army tint, some green tint and most other tints are gold. The only weapon I have with standard tint is the Tommy gun, although I believe it looks alright with orange tint.


I dislike that the gold tint doesn't look as good as in RDR. The Rdr gold guns were really shiny and pretty, these ones are almost yellow.


The only color I dislike and will never have on my guns is pink. It's just so out of place, I dislike it. A lot.

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Yes, it is. Platinum tint to guns is like chrome to cars, it's an achievement and is worth showing off and just like chrome, it looks good on some guns (RPG, Grenade Launcher,Minigun)

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Pink + Anything else than Chrome = Win!







Fix that link please

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