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(ง'̀-'́)ง Mayhem Nation MC

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Mayhem Nation MC

Mayhem Nation MC

Club History
The Mayhem Nation was founded March 6th, 2014 by acdcfan81. The Mayhem Nation is a Brotherhood a bond of trust, respect, and loyalty. Our chapter rides in Blaine County in Grand Theft Auto 5. The Brotherhood is a Playstation only MC.
Rules and Regulations
The rules of the club are strictly enforced. If anyone breaks them, executive board will deal with them. If these rules and regulations are broken, it could mean either immediate dismissal or suspension, whatever the executive board sees fit. Breaking any of the following rules will result in possible immediate removal from the club:
You must be 13+ years old
You must speak English
There will be no stealing among members. Anyone caught will get an ass kicking and be kicked out of the club (Automatic kick-out from club).
If a patch holder or prospect throws his colors or quits, colors are pulled (Automatic kick-out from club).
Members cannot belong to any other clubs.
If a group or individual attacks any member, the whole club shall stand behind him and fight if necessary. If, however, the member purposely starts an argument, the rest of the members will escort him away, or step between before trouble starts if possible.
No member will disgrace the club by being yellow. (The above rules will be put forward to applicants. If they cannot abide by these rules and are not in favor of them, they will be denied membership to the club.)
No member will destroy club property purposely.
No member will take the attitude that he doesn't have to help other members and other members don't have to help him
No member will go against anything the club has voted for and passed.
No member will get together on their own and plan something for themselves on club rides. It will be brought up to the whole club and the whole club will participate in anything that is decided upon.
The club will always stay together on rides, runs, parties, field meets etc. and will not fraternize with rival clubs. The only way a member will be permitted to leave the main group will be to notify the president or whoever is in charge. When the time comes that the majority feels it is time to leave, we will all leave together. Anyone staying behind for a good reason will do so at his own risk and can expect no help.
Members will have good attendance. Members must have a good reason for not attending meetings or rides, such as working, sickness, etc.
General Rules
Breaking the following rules will result in the executive board taking action and/or voted on by the court.
No explosives of any kind will be thrown into the fire where there is one or more of the Damned in the area.
Brothers shall not fight each other with weapons; when any of the Damned fights another, it is one on one, prospects same as members.
If you don't help out the Club in its activities and you use the Club solely for your benefit, you will be warned. No second chance.
Do as you say or walk the line.
Damned members losing the privilege of wearing colors will also lose the privilege of voting and ruling over prospects.
The treasurer shall keep a clear record of all money paid in and out during the month and will balance it before every meeting; the books will be gone over once a month.
Where we go on our rides will be voted upon by the entire membership.
Everyone must have an American bike. Consideration will be give to any member who is in between bikes but he must sincerely intend to get another bike in the near future.
Absolutely no talking about Club business to persons outside the Club.
During funeral runs, no one will pack a passenger, patch must be seen.
Prospects will watch all bikes when members are at Club functions, in bars, and anywhere the senior member present deems necessary.
Add Skyy_Proxy on PSN
Click here for social club: Mayhem Nation MC
Click here for club website: Mayhem Nation MC
Edited by Mayhem Nation MC
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