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[PS3] BACON! Recruiting friends and possible crew mates!

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It's just 2 friends playing in a private freemode session mostly, just messing around, making money, doing a few mission, races, etc. We are good sport players but we do kill each other by accident or just for fun sometimes. Actually, I'm the one getting myself killed most of the time :lol:
Anyway, we are mature players but have an adult sense of humor. There may be a few dirty jokes, a loud burp or bad singing but anyone playing GTA should be ok with that anyway, yea? We're not that bad.


Daily gaming.. Good sport players that are open to what we already do and just having fun. Don't take the game so seriously. No pissing and moaning :p
We also wanna prep for the upcoming heists so we can be prepared with a team/crew. So any strengths or weaknesses can be worked with. I personally SUCK at flying, just terrible, but I'm a decent driver and shooter :)
In the meantime, we can also help each other fine tune our skills, unlock mods, level up, and get awards.

Prefer players that have a mic. It's just annoying having to stop what yer doing to text :lol:


7 or 8am - 4 or 5pm Eastern time

It's on and off when we play. We do allow u to take breaks, c'mon guy, ha ha. Bacon break!
And occasionally, we do play late at nite depending on whatever is going on in our lives. Very rare though..


Go check out our crew and if u wanna play in our sessions and try out for it, just add me with a message saying GTA

PSN: happyface44r

Bacon crew




Raquel :)

the one & only

  • 4 weeks later...

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