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Two guys are talking and making plans to come kill me. So I finish buying my ecola from the store and then hop in my car and start to drive around town but not fast because I didnt want them to think I know what they are doing so then I stop at a red light then they pull up in front of me. I already threw a c4 on his car but I guess he didnt see that one. So then his partner in crime say she got a c4 drive off. I waited for them to go around the corner before I click the c4 and all I hear now is cussing lol I just wanted to share because it was funny to me. In the end they moved on to the next person

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Blowing up people's cars is funny xDDDdddD master troll u have be rused xDDDDDDDDDDDxxxDDD

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A lot of people do that, including me.



I usually put stickies on the ground and then drive so they chase me some more and when I see their dot where I left the sticky I blow them up.

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I hear cool stories are best shared here.


But is this a cool story though?



Well, the thread title doesn't specify it has to be a cool story. :p

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I hear cool stories are best shared here.

I f**king knew it hahaha... I knew it, I knew it...... I knew there would be a douche bag like this...... God forbid someone make a thread.... omg, the world is going to end.


My least favorite people in forums are these type of people. What's the problem? Boo Hoo, he didn't post in the "correct" section..... so what? so the thread sinks to the bottom of the thread list and disappears if it isn't worthy of staying a top thread..... you people (Insert-Coin-To-Continue) get so butthurt over people not posting in the "correct" spot....

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