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Favorite/Least Favorite Advertisements?

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My favorite would be "sex addiction" but there are lots of good ones. "Everyone's talking about it, nobody knows what it is. Finally you can blame all your personal problems on an addiction that doesn't exist."


My least favorite would be "serious cougar." Gross.


What about you??

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Least favorite is deffently the Shark Card(Cash Cards) advertisements on the radio

While my most favorite is the Beer Commercial on the television, i forget which company (i think its patriot?) but its by far the best one

"Cock-a-doodle-doo we're a huge corporation" "Cock-a-doodle-doo-and we can't be stuffed" "All you protestors can go to HEEEeeeEEEl, it's time for cluckin Bell" - GTA SA


None of the V ones match that , except for the wacky Redwood Cigarettes ad mentioned by FlatsTheButtKicker

Pißwasser is my favorite one and I quote, "f*ck the Dutch!" My fav line from that commercial :lol:


I don't think there's any I dislike as they're all good/funny

"YEAHHHH we're gonna keep them illegals ouuuuuuttt!"

Edited by RDT33

I don't remember all of them. I laugh every time I hear the FLOW commercial.

And medical cocaine LOL!

And there is the trailer for that monkey movie when you go to see a film at the theater. LMAO!


I don't really have a least favorite one, they're all pretty funny.

Edited by CReaper210

"Cock-a-doodle-doo we're a huge corporation" "Cock-a-doodle-doo-and we can't be stuffed" "All you protestors can go to HEEEeeeEEEl, it's time for cluckin Bell" - GTA SA


None of the V ones match that , except for the wacky Redwood Cigarettes ad mentioned by FlatsTheButtKicker

I agree San Andreas has great ads. My favorite, probably popular on here, was the "Do it Yourself Sexual Realignment Kit" - Go from Brad to Brenda and surprise your friends! Comes with tourniquet, rusty knife, and 37 pounds of estrogen.

Biohazard Abyss

Pisswasser is the absolute best.


My crew even mimicked the part with the dude giving the finger on the rusty tractor, at the same exact house in the commercial






We just used different cars on the sides, lol

Edited by Biohazard Abyss
  • Like 4

You don't want a cougar?

I draw the line at making fun of elderly women with dementia.


Also, regarding my post above, I wish they'd bring back Transfender body swap shop instead of boring LSC - "put your trannies in the shop" lol

  • Like 1

I like the cloud advert, I don't really have a least favourite though.

A little of topic but I've come to hate 'Big Boy' the radio presenter of Radio Los Santos, every time he speaks I die a little inside. I liked him at first but he just pisses me off now, does anyone think that radio stations in IV had much more longevity before they got to the point of being annoying, I could listen to IV stations for hours on end and even once they got annoying change the station for a while and it wasn't annoying when you changed it back! Once a station got annoying in V is kind of stayed annoying forever. The only station I could listen to in V consistently for hours in The Low Down.

Deadly Aviator

The Pisswasser and Flow adverts are my favorite


I dislike the serious cougar and grand senora desert adverts


IMO they should really decrease the frequency of adverts though, they really get on my nerves and I usually just switch station when one comes on

Sir Michael

Pißwasser is my favorite one and I quote, "f*ck the Dutch!" My fav line from that commercial :lol:


I don't think there's any I dislike as they're all good/funny

The T.V commercial is equally awesome. (:


  • Like 2


Pißwasser is my favorite one and I quote, "f*ck the Dutch!" My fav line from that commercial :lol:

I don't think there's any I dislike as they're all good/funny


The T.V commercial is equally awesome. (:


It's been a while since I watched that tv commercial. Lol'd at the naked dude who was running towards that pig :lol: Lord knows what happens next....

I love that one Cloud Ad. "Oooh! The cloud is the answer to everything! Even though it's s**t. Upgrade. To The Cloud! (whispers: the cloud!)"

Plus the San Andreas Water Ad. "THERE IS NOTHING MORE DANGEROUS THAN A SLOW MOVING WINDMILL. IT CAN KILL. Just let all the animals breathe in car toxins."



I hate that stupid cougar ad. It's s**t.

Edited by LightningLord411

Faves righteous slaughter and hitting kids works wonders. "Please water bore me sir" also I like pisswasser and logger. San andreas water and power.



Serious cougar


Shark cards

I like kenny loggins comment about sailing into the sunset and how you have to travel very fast."that would be a very fast yacht. You lucky lucky person. You've got a sunset to catch."

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