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Truck convoy problem


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Hey guys, I'm creating a script about adding patriot and barracks driving around the city, if attacking the truck or the leading car, They'll attack the player but one problem every time i starts this script, My game crashed, This is the script

// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by Seemann (http://sannybuilder.com/files/SASCM.rar) on 13.10.2007{$CLEO .CS}//-------------MAIN---------------0000: NOP :NONAME_2wait 1000 if    Player.Defined($PLAYER_CHAR)else_jump @NONAME_2 0@ = Player.WantedLevel($PLAYER_CHAR)if and  $ACTIVE_INTERIOR == 0   0@ == 0 else_jump @NONAME_2 if   $ONMISSION == 0 else_jump @NONAME_2 if and84C8:   not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_flying_vehicle 84A7:   not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_boat else_jump @NONAME_2 jump @NONAME_102 :NONAME_102wait 2000 Model.Load(#ARMY)Model.Load(#ARMY3)Model.Load(#PATRIOT)Model.Load(#BARRACKS)Model.Load(#POLMAV)Model.Load(#MP5LNG)Model.Load(#M4)Model.Load(#CHROMEGUN) if    Model.Available(#ARMY)   Model.Available(#ARMY3)   Model.Available(#PATRIOT)   Model.Available(#BARRACKS)   Model.Available(#POLMAV)   Model.Available(#MP5LNG)   Model.Available(#M4)   Model.Available(#CHROMEGUN)else_jump @NONAME_102 wait 0 038B: load_requested_models jump @NONAME_161 :NONAME_161wait 200004C4: store_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 120.0 3.0 02C1: store_to 1@ 2@ 3@ car_path_coords_closest_to 4@ 5@ 6@ 04C4: store_coords_to $Z1 $Z2 $Z3 from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 140.0 3.0 02C1: store_to $Z1 $Z2 $Z3 car_path_coords_closest_to $Z13 $Z14 $Z1504C4: store_coords_to $Z4 $Z5 $Z6 from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 400.002C1: store_to $Z4 $Z5 $Z6 car_path_coords_closest_to $Z10 $Z11 $Z12 if 80EC:   not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0 near_point 4@ 5@ radius 30.0 30.0 else_jump @NONAME_161 7@ = Car.Create(#PATRIOT, 4@, 5@, 6@)Car.DoorStatus(7@) = 2Car.SetImmunities(7@, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)16@ = Car.Create(#BARRACKS, $Z13, $Z14, $Z15)Car.DoorStatus(16@) = 2Car.SetImmunities(16@, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)8@ = Actor.Create(Cop, #ARMY, 4@, 5@, 6@)9@ = Actor.Create(Cop, #ARMY3, 4@, 5@, 6@)0129: 12@ = create_actor_pedtype 6 model #ARMY in_car 7@ driverseat 01C8: 13@ = create_actor_pedtype 6 model #ARMY3 in_car 7@ passenger_seat 00129: 14@ = create_actor_pedtype 6 model #ARMY in_car 16@ driverseat 01C8: 15@ = create_actor_pedtype 6 model #ARMY3 in_car 16@ passenger_seat 007F8: car 16@ follow_car 7@ radius 8.0 0423: set_car 7@ improved_handling_to 2.0 // (float) 09BB:   car 7@ recieved_heavy_damage 10423: set_car 16@ improved_handling_to 2.0 // (float) 09BB:   car 16@ recieved_heavy_damage 1 0464: put_actor 8@ into_turret_on_car 7@ at_car_offset 0.35 -1.8 0.9 position 1 shooting_angle_limit 360.0 with_weapon 290350: set_actor 8@ maintain_position_when_attacked 1 0464: put_actor 9@ into_turret_on_car 7@ at_car_offset -0.35 -1.8 0.9 position 0 shooting_angle_limit 360.0 with_weapon 310350: set_actor 9@ maintain_position_when_attacked 1 Actor.WeaponAccuracy(8@) = 70Actor.WeaponAccuracy(9@) = 70Actor.WeaponAccuracy(12@) = 70Actor.WeaponAccuracy(13@) = 70Actor.WeaponAccuracy(14@) = 70Actor.WeaponAccuracy(15@) = 70Actor.Health(8@) = 170Actor.Health(9@) = 170Actor.Health(12@) = 170Actor.Health(13@) = 170Actor.Health(14@) = 170Actor.Health(15@) = 170053F: set_car 7@ tires_vulnerability 0 09C4: set_car 16@ gas_tank_explosion_enabled 0 053F: set_car 7@ tires_vulnerability 0 09C4: set_car 16@ gas_tank_explosion_enabled 0 054A: set_actor 12@ can_be_shot_in_a_car 0 054A: set_actor 13@ can_be_shot_in_a_car 0 054A: set_actor 14@ can_be_shot_in_a_car 0 054A: set_actor 15@ can_be_shot_in_a_car 0 081A: set_actor 12@ weapon_skill_to 2 081A: set_actor 13@ weapon_skill_to 2 081A: set_actor 14@ weapon_skill_to 2 081A: set_actor 15@ weapon_skill_to 20619: enable_actor 12@ collision_detection 0 0619: enable_actor 14@ collision_detection 0  Car.SetDriverBehaviour(7@, FollowRoad)Car.SetMaxSpeed(7@, 10.0)Car.SetDriverBehaviour(16@, FollowRoad) Car.SetMaxSpeed(16@, 10.0):NONAME_419wait 100 if 051C:   car 16@ damaged_by_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 051C:   car 7@ damaged_by_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR else_jump @NONAME_554Car.SetMaxSpeed(7@, 70.0)Car.SetMaxSpeed(16@, 70.0)Player.SetMinWantedLevel($PLAYER_CHAR, 2) 00AE: set_car 16@ traffic_behaviour_to 3 00AE: set_car 7@ traffic_behaviour_to 30639: AS_actor 8@ rotate_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR05E2: AS_actor 8@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR0639: AS_actor 9@ rotate_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 05E2: AS_actor 9@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR  wait 1000 Actor.RemoveReferences(8@)Actor.RemoveReferences(9@)Actor.RemoveReferences(12@)Actor.RemoveReferences(13@)Actor.RemoveReferences(14@)Actor.RemoveReferences(15@)Car.RemoveReferences(7@)Car.RemoveReferences(16@)Model.Destroy(#ARMY)Model.Destroy(#ARMY3)Model.Destroy(#PATRIOT)Model.Destroy(#BARRACKS)Model.Destroy(#POLMAV)Model.Destroy(#MP5LNG)Model.Destroy(#M4)Model.Destroy(#CHROMEGUN)  :NONAME_554wait 100 if   Car.Wrecked(7@)02BF:   car 7@ sunk if and   Car.Wrecked(16@)02BF:   car 16@ sunk   not 0@ == 0 8205:   not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 7@ radius 450.0 450.0 0.0 flag 08205:   not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 16@ radius 450.0 450.0 0.0 flag 0    not $ACTIVE_INTERIOR == 0    not $ONMISSION == 0 else_jump @NONAME_6920687: clear_actor 8@ task 0687: clear_actor 9@ task0687: clear_actor 12@ task0687: clear_actor 13@ task 0687: clear_actor 14@ task0687: clear_actor 15@ task Car.SetDriverBehaviour(7@, FollowRoad)Car.SetDriverBehaviour(16@, FollowRoad)Car.SetMaxSpeed(7@, 21.0)Car.SetMaxSpeed(16@, 21.0)00AE: set_car 16@ traffic_behaviour_to 1 00AE: set_car 7@ traffic_behaviour_to 1Actor.RemoveReferences(8@)Actor.RemoveReferences(9@)Actor.RemoveReferences(12@)Actor.RemoveReferences(13@)Actor.RemoveReferences(14@)Actor.RemoveReferences(15@)Car.RemoveReferences(7@)Car.RemoveReferences(16@)Model.Destroy(#ARMY)Model.Destroy(#ARMY3)Model.Destroy(#PATRIOT)Model.Destroy(#BARRACKS)Model.Destroy(#POLMAV)Model.Destroy(#MP5LNG)Model.Destroy(#M4)Model.Destroy(#CHROMEGUN):NONAME_692wait 100 if or   Actor.Dead(8@)   Actor.Dead(9@) else_jump @NONAME_415Actor.DestroyInstantly(8@)Actor.DestroyInstantly(9@)wait 100Actor.DestroyInstantly(13@)wait 10013@ = Actor.Create(Cop, #ARMY3, 4@, 5@, 6@)0464: put_actor 13@ into_turret_on_car 7@ at_car_offset 0.35 -1.8 0.9 position 1 shooting_angle_limit 360.0 with_weapon 25 0350: set_actor 13@ maintain_position_when_attacked 1 0639: AS_actor 13@ rotate_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR05E2: AS_actor 13@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTORActor.WeaponAccuracy(13@) = 70Actor.Health(13@) = 170wait 100Actor.RemoveReferences(12@)Actor.RemoveReferences(13@)Actor.RemoveReferences(14@)Actor.RemoveReferences(15@)Car.RemoveReferences(7@)Car.RemoveReferences(16@)Model.Destroy(#ARMY)Model.Destroy(#ARMY3)Model.Destroy(#PATRIOT)Model.Destroy(#BARRACKS)Model.Destroy(#POLMAV)Model.Destroy(#MP5LNG)Model.Destroy(#M4)Model.Destroy(#CHROMEGUN) :NONAME_415wait 100 if   Actor.Dead(13@) else_jump @NONAME_464 17@ = Car.Create(#POLMAV, $Z10, $Z11, $Z12)0129: 19@ = create_actor_pedtype 6 model #ARMY in_car 17@ driverseat0726: heli 17@ follow_actor 12@ follow_car 7@ radius 12.006C1: create_searchlight 18@ on_car 17@ with_offset 0.0 1.0 -0.5 radius 0.4 target 2193.73 -1166.85 34.06 radius 4.0 06B6: set_searchlight 18@ follow_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR speed 0.2 0825: set_helicopter 17@ instant_rotor_start8@ = Actor.Create(Cop, #ARMY, 4@, 5@, 6@)9@ = Actor.Create(Cop, #ARMY3, 4@, 5@, 6@)0464: put_actor 8@ into_turret_on_car 17@ at_car_offset 1.4 -0.8 -0.1 position 1 shooting_angle_limit 360.0 with_weapon 290350: set_actor 8@ maintain_position_when_attacked 1 0639: AS_actor 8@ rotate_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR05E2: AS_actor 8@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0464: put_actor 9@ into_turret_on_car 17@ at_car_offset -1.4 -0.8 -0.1 position 1 shooting_angle_limit 360.0 with_weapon 310350: set_actor 9@ maintain_position_when_attacked 10639: AS_actor 9@ rotate_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR05E2: AS_actor 9@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTORwait 100Actor.RemoveReferences(12@)Actor.RemoveReferences(13@)Actor.RemoveReferences(14@)Actor.RemoveReferences(15@)Car.RemoveReferences(7@)Car.RemoveReferences(16@)Model.Destroy(#ARMY)Model.Destroy(#ARMY3)Model.Destroy(#PATRIOT)Model.Destroy(#BARRACKS)Model.Destroy(#POLMAV)Model.Destroy(#MP5LNG)Model.Destroy(#M4)Model.Destroy(#CHROMEGUN):NONAME_464wait 100 if    Actor.Dead(19@)jf @NONAME_469 Car.Health(17@) = 00564: heli 17@ simulate_crash_landing06B2: destroy_searchlight [email protected](19@)Actor.RemoveReferences(8@)Actor.RemoveReferences(9@)Car.RemoveReferences(17@)Model.Destroy(#ARMY)Model.Destroy(#ARMY3)Model.Destroy(#PATRIOT)Model.Destroy(#BARRACKS)Model.Destroy(#POLMAV)Model.Destroy(#MP5LNG)Model.Destroy(#M4)Model.Destroy(#CHROMEGUN):NONAME_469wait 100 if     Car.Wrecked(17@)82BF:   car 17@ sunk jf @NONAME_757 Car.Health(17@) = 0 0465: remove_actor 8@ from_turret_mode 0465: remove_actor 9@ from_turret_modeCar.DoorStatus(16@) = 006B2: destroy_searchlight [email protected](19@)Actor.RemoveReferences(8@)Actor.RemoveReferences(9@)Car.RemoveReferences(17@)Model.Destroy(#ARMY)Model.Destroy(#ARMY3)Model.Destroy(#PATRIOT)Model.Destroy(#BARRACKS)Model.Destroy(#POLMAV)Model.Destroy(#MP5LNG)Model.Destroy(#M4)Model.Destroy(#CHROMEGUN):NONAME_757wait 100 if    Actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR, 16@)jf @NONAME_419Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += 1000000wait 1000 Model.Destroy(#ARMY)Model.Destroy(#ARMY3)Model.Destroy(#PATRIOT)Model.Destroy(#BARRACKS)Model.Destroy(#POLMAV)Model.Destroy(#MP5LNG)Model.Destroy(#M4)Model.Destroy(#CHROMEGUN)Actor.RemoveReferences(19@)Actor.RemoveReferences(8@)Actor.RemoveReferences(9@)Actor.RemoveReferences(12@)Actor.RemoveReferences(13@)Actor.RemoveReferences(14@)Actor.RemoveReferences(15@)Car.RemoveReferences(17@)Car.RemoveReferences(16@)Car.RemoveReferences(7@)jump @NONAME_2

.Sorry, I've adding a new ped , So if you wanna tests it , just use existing ped in the game

Edited by ALAN41
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use propper "if" argument for the load check and other checks: in case if a condinational check contain more conditions than one, it needs to determine if and or if or
maximum 7 conditions are working in a conditional check (don't know if it's work better now with newest sannybuilder)
you can also use opcode 038B instead a load check

don't use global vars in cleo script because they can cause bugs and crashes

it doesn't make sense to check if a is wrecked after removing it's reference

Actor.RemoveReferences(8@)Actor.RemoveReferences(9@)Actor.RemoveReferences(12@)Actor.RemoveReferences(13@)Actor.RemoveReferences(14@)Actor.RemoveReferences(15@)Car.RemoveReferences(7@)<---------- now it doesn't exist anymore for the scriptCar.RemoveReferences(16@)<---------- now it doesn't exist anymore for the scriptModel.Destroy(#ARMY)Model.Destroy(#ARMY3)Model.Destroy(#PATRIOT)Model.Destroy(#BARRACKS)Model.Destroy(#POLMAV)Model.Destroy(#MP5LNG)Model.Destroy(#M4)Model.Destroy(#CHROMEGUN)  :NONAME_554wait 100 if   Car.Wrecked(7@)<------------ doesn't exist anymore for the script02BF:   car 7@ sunk if and   Car.Wrecked(16@)02BF:   car 16@ sunk<------------ doesn't exist anymore for the script   not 0@ == 0 8205:   not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 7@ radius 450.0 450.0 0.0 flag 08205:   not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR near_car 16@ radius 450.0 450.0 0.0 flag 0    not $ACTIVE_INTERIOR == 0    not $ONMISSION == 0 else_jump @NONAME_692
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// This file was decompiled using SASCM.ini published by Seemann (http://sannybuilder.com/files/SASCM.rar) on 13.10.2007




0000: NOP



wait 1000



else_jump @NONAME_2

0@ = Player.WantedLevel($PLAYER_CHAR)

if and


0@ == 0

else_jump @NONAME_2



else_jump @NONAME_2

if and

84C8: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_flying_vehicle

84A7: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR driving_boat

else_jump @NONAME_2

jump @NONAME_102



wait 2000


















else_jump @NONAME_102

wait 0

038B: load_requested_models

jump @NONAME_161



wait 2000

04C4: store_coords_to 1@ 2@ 3@ from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 120.0 3.0

02C1: store_to 1@ 2@ 3@ car_path_coords_closest_to 4@ 5@ 6@

04C4: store_coords_to $Z1 $Z2 $Z3 from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 140.0 3.0

02C1: store_to $Z1 $Z2 $Z3 car_path_coords_closest_to $Z13 $Z14 $Z15

04C4: store_coords_to $Z4 $Z5 $Z6 from_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR with_offset 0.0 0.0 400.0

02C1: store_to $Z4 $Z5 $Z6 car_path_coords_closest_to $Z10 $Z11 $Z12


80EC: not actor $PLAYER_ACTOR 0 near_point 4@ 5@ radius 30.0 30.0

else_jump @NONAME_161

7@ = Car.Create(#PATRIOT, 4@, 5@, 6@)

Car.DoorStatus(7@) = 2

Car.SetImmunities(7@, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)

16@ = Car.Create(#BARRACKS, $Z13, $Z14, $Z15)

Car.DoorStatus(16@) = 2

Car.SetImmunities(16@, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)

8@ = Actor.Create(Cop, #ARMY, 4@, 5@, 6@)

9@ = Actor.Create(Cop, #ARMY3, 4@, 5@, 6@)

0129: 12@ = create_actor_pedtype 6 model #ARMY in_car 7@ driverseat

01C8: 13@ = create_actor_pedtype 6 model #ARMY3 in_car 7@ passenger_seat 0

0129: 14@ = create_actor_pedtype 6 model #ARMY in_car 16@ driverseat

01C8: 15@ = create_actor_pedtype 6 model #ARMY3 in_car 16@ passenger_seat 0

07F8: car 16@ follow_car 7@ radius 8.0

0464: put_actor 8@ into_turret_on_car 7@ at_car_offset 0.35 -1.8 0.9 position 1 shooting_angle_limit 360.0 with_weapon 29

0350: set_actor 8@ maintain_position_when_attacked 1

0464: put_actor 9@ into_turret_on_car 7@ at_car_offset -0.35 -1.8 0.9 position 0 shooting_angle_limit 360.0 with_weapon 31

0350: set_actor 9@ maintain_position_when_attacked 1

Actor.WeaponAccuracy(8@) = 70

Actor.WeaponAccuracy(9@) = 70

Actor.WeaponAccuracy(12@) = 70

Actor.WeaponAccuracy(13@) = 70

Actor.WeaponAccuracy(14@) = 70

Actor.WeaponAccuracy(15@) = 70

Actor.Health(8@) = 170

Actor.Health(9@) = 170

Actor.Health(12@) = 170

Actor.Health(13@) = 170

Actor.Health(14@) = 170

Actor.Health(15@) = 170

053F: set_car 7@ tires_vulnerability 0

09C4: set_car 16@ gas_tank_explosion_enabled 0

053F: set_car 7@ tires_vulnerability 0

09C4: set_car 16@ gas_tank_explosion_enabled 0

081A: set_actor 12@ weapon_skill_to 2

081A: set_actor 13@ weapon_skill_to 2

081A: set_actor 14@ weapon_skill_to 2

081A: set_actor 15@ weapon_skill_to 2

0619: enable_actor 12@ collision_detection 0

0619: enable_actor 14@ collision_detection 0

Car.SetDriverBehaviour(7@, FollowRoad)

Car.SetMaxSpeed(7@, 10.0)

Car.SetDriverBehaviour(16@, FollowRoad)

Car.SetMaxSpeed(16@, 10.0)



wait 100


051C: car 16@ damaged_by_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR

if and

051C: car 7@ damaged_by_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR

else_jump @NONAME_554

Car.SetMaxSpeed(7@, 70.0)

Car.SetMaxSpeed(16@, 70.0)

Player.SetMinWantedLevel($PLAYER_CHAR, 2)

00AE: set_car 16@ traffic_behaviour_to 3

00AE: set_car 7@ traffic_behaviour_to 3

0639: AS_actor 8@ rotate_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR

05E2: AS_actor 8@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR

0639: AS_actor 9@ rotate_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR

05E2: AS_actor 9@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR



wait 100

if or


if and


else_jump @NONAME_415



wait 100


wait 100

13@ = Actor.Create(Cop, #ARMY3, 4@, 5@, 6@)

0464: put_actor 13@ into_turret_on_car 7@ at_car_offset 0.35 -1.8 0.9 position 1 shooting_angle_limit 360.0 with_weapon 25

0350: set_actor 13@ maintain_position_when_attacked 1

0639: AS_actor 13@ rotate_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR

05E2: AS_actor 13@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR

Actor.WeaponAccuracy(13@) = 70

Actor.Health(13@) = 170



wait 100



else_jump @NONAME_464

17@ = Car.Create(#POLMAV, $Z10, $Z11, $Z12)

0129: 19@ = create_actor_pedtype 6 model #ARMY in_car 17@ driverseat

0726: heli 17@ follow_actor 12@ follow_car 7@ radius 12.0

06C1: create_searchlight 18@ on_car 17@ with_offset 0.0 1.0 -0.5 radius 0.4 target 2193.73 -1166.85 34.06 radius 4.0

06B6: set_searchlight 18@ follow_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR speed 0.2

0825: set_helicopter 17@ instant_rotor_start

20@ = Actor.Create(Cop, #ARMY, 4@, 5@, 6@)

21@ = Actor.Create(Cop, #ARMY3, 4@, 5@, 6@)

0464: put_actor 20@ into_turret_on_car 17@ at_car_offset 1.4 -0.8 -0.1 position 1 shooting_angle_limit 360.0 with_weapon 29

0350: set_actor 20@ maintain_position_when_attacked 1

0639: AS_actor 20@ rotate_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR

05E2: AS_actor 20@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR

0464: put_actor 21@ into_turret_on_car 17@ at_car_offset -1.4 -0.8 -0.1 position 1 shooting_angle_limit 360.0 with_weapon 31

0350: set_actor 21@ maintain_position_when_attacked 1

0639: AS_actor 21@ rotate_to_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR

05E2: AS_actor 21@ kill_actor $PLAYER_ACTOR




wait 100



jf @NONAME_469

Car.Health(17@) = 0

0564: heli 17@ simulate_crash_landing

06B2: destroy_searchlight 18@



wait 100



82BF: car 17@ sunk

jf @NONAME_757

0465: remove_actor 20@ from_turret_mode

0465: remove_actor 21@ from_turret_mode

Car.DoorStatus(16@) = 0

06B2: destroy_searchlight 18@




Actor.InCar($PLAYER_ACTOR, 16@)

jf @NONAME_419

Player.Money($PLAYER_CHAR) += 1000000

wait 1000

















jump @NONAME_2



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same mistakes as before

use propper "if" argument for the load check and other checks: in case if a condinational check contain more conditions than one, it needs to determine if and or if or

maximum 7 conditions are working in a conditional check (don't know if it's work better now with newest sannybuilder)

you can also use opcode 038B instead a load check


don't use global vars in cleo script because they can cause bugs and crashes

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you can also use opcode 038B instead a load check

It doesn't seem to be done when the screen's faded out so making the game STOP to load those is not a good idea IMO. It'll be better to remove 038B off the script and only do checks.

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