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How about we get yachts to fill the hole that tugboats left in our hea


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I know there have been threads similar to this one, but I, as do some of you, really miss having a big boat to sail around on like we did in GTA IV. However, I don't feel like the tugboat fits the setting of this game. Instead, I think a yacht is a perfect replacement. Perhaps it would seat either 10 or 16 players, would be a similar size to the tugboat, and could have a working TV on board.


Remember how in GTA IV you would slide around the tugboat if the driver tried driving it? Well, it seems in this game Rockstar has fixed that problem for vehicles like the Mule in the back or that big dumptruck in the back whose name I don't know at this time. Would this not be useful for a big yacht? I believe it would be a grand application for such a feature.


Price? I'm thinking $5-10 million. For a boat so big and luxurious there's no way that's too much. It would be a very rewarding thing to work for as well, in my opinion.

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Possible buyable house with hanger... Oh wait then there'd be 16 yachts floating around the map.

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I like the idea, I really want R* to take some steps to utilize the ocean more than as a simple easter egg hunt.

Also your profile pic made reading your post very calming



Possible buyable house with hanger... Oh wait then there'd be 16 yachts floating around the map.

That'd be awesome. Yacht wars

Edited by I3AZZAI2
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the tugboat is actually in the game as a model, go to the docks under the big bridge at the airport and look around, you'll see it being worked on or somethin

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