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Are money trucks giving low amount of money?


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So I think money trucks are giving little amount of money. Recently I just stole a money truck and it only gave me $4200. Wtf back then when I use to steal one it used to give me $17000. Anyone also have this problem with this bug or those the money lower if you keep stealing trucks?

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I used to get $12,000 per truck but now I get $3,200. WAT.

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It's always been variable. I'll get anything between $4,500 - $12,000. Never seen anything more than $12k.


In b4 cash card conspiracy tin foil hat bull crap.

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Idk, last night my friend picked up like 60-70k in a matter of 20 min. I was ramming the cops w/ my Sandking to try and keep the heat off him.

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Almighty Scorpion

It's luck of the draw. Just a few days ago I knocked one over for $12.5k, flash forward about an hour later, and I hit another for $4k. I think the frequency of higher payouts got scaled back, but they do exist.

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How about that rare occasion where its empty when you rob it and still get police on you.

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idk what anyone else is thinking, but its probably another nerf by R*, they have done it before, and they will do it again, any way to make irl money for them, they will take it.

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Robbed a couple today, first one was 3.6k, second was 14k.


I think it's just a case of RNG being RNG.

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Guelah Papyrus

How about that rare occasion where its empty when you rob it and still get police on you.

I'd say it's a 1 in 3 chance of it being empty...

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