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Nonenterable stores

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As we all know we can't access most of the food stores/restaurant, as well as other stores that should accessable. I'm talking about burger shop, cluckinbell, and others alike.


Why hasn't R* added these as a source food/health? Don't get me wrong I like the current junk food or soda to gain health, but for once some real food would help.


Maybe I'm just a fatty but honestly it would nice to purchase real food items and buy drugs/cigars from smoke shops.


What do you all think? Should this be added or keep things the same.

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I want some Burgershot open like GTA IV. I would go in and just hang out there.

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I agree with you


also i want bars so i can get drunk and also i want drunk effect to last longer

God how i want the drunk/high effect to be longer, its fun to try have drunk motor bike races with friends, while driving along the wrong side of the highway, last man standing wins, but most of the time the effect wears away before theres enough chaos for it to be worthwhile. #ExtendDrunkEffect

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Biggie Kaniff


Maybe I'm just a fatty




Grow up, it's good ideas by the OP.


Restaurants is needed, there should be more places to go in and get some food. Burger Shot and Clucking Bell would be nice.


Same thing with bars, wouldn't hurt at all.

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Maybe I'm just a fatty




Grow up, it's good ideas by the OP.


Restaurants is needed, there should be more places to go in and get some food. Burger Shot and Clucking Bell would be nice.


Same thing with bars, wouldn't hurt at all.

Thank you.

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Maybe I'm just a fatty




Grow up, it's good ideas by the OP.


Restaurants is needed, there should be more places to go in and get some food. Burger Shot and Clucking Bell would be nice.


Same thing with bars, wouldn't hurt at all.

Thank you.

Taco Bomb.

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Biohazard Abyss

I honestly was hoping for places like Up-N-Atom burger to be open so we could have the possibility of fattening up our characters. I don't want my character to be a whale, lol but she could use one of those crazy ass burgers from the commercial.

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I honestly was hoping for places like Up-N-Atom burger to be open so we could have the possibility of fattening up our characters. I don't want my character to be a whale, lol but she could use one of those crazy ass burgers from the commercial.

Same here let my dude just smash on a heart stopper


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I agree, but the reason why it isn't in the game is probably simple: console limitations. One other thing that also shows console limitations is the copy and paste job they did with a lot of apartment interiors.

Don't be surprised if you see restaurants like Burger Shot and Cluckin' Bell, and maybe hotdog stands on the PS4/XB1/PC versions (if these will ever exist).

Edited by poklane
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Yea it sucks i guess it goes with how console limitations goes where you gotta strip some things to make room for others. I know one things for sure and thats that my toons are pissed that they gotta eat gas station s**t and green juice everyday because where else are they going to eat

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I agree with you


also i want bars so i can get drunk and also i want drunk effect to last longer

Ya and also the drunk effect needs to be as extreme as in GTA 4

it would start off as it is already but if you drank enough it would eventually make you as drunk as if 4

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