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What other MISSIONS do you guys like playing besides RR & Coveted?

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Stocks and Scares

Landing Gear (This and Stocks and scares are my personal favs)

Mixed up with Coke

Judging the Jury

Satellite Communications

Chemical Extraction


The Los Santos Connection (Well I don't really like it but me and my friends run it allot and it's okay when it goes off without a hitch)

On Manuvers

Hack and Dash

Chopper Tail

Trash Talk


Pretty much anything that is realitively easy and or fun and pays over 10K is something I and my main group of friends run online allot.

Edited by MrcTOtheJ
Black Rabbit

Chopper Tail

American Exports

Chemical Extraction

Landing Gear

Stock and Scares

Trash Talk

On Manuevers

LS Connection


Docks to Stocks (I & II)

Hack and Dash

Base Invaders


...or, anything from any contact that is not RR or Coveted.

In our crew we regularly play


Chopper Tail

Satellite Communications

Method in the Madness

Chemical Extraction


Docks to Stocks (both)

A Titan of a job


and some others including RR but rarely Coveted

Any of the ones that pay over 10k are cool, I like when they're challenging. I wish they'd bring back Base Invaders and the Docks to Stock missions, those were pretty cool. If none of those are available, my friend and I will do a parachute jump to break it up.

Method in the madness

Docks and stocks 1 & 2


Base invaders

Chopper tail

Dry docking

Stocks and scares

Trash talk

Landing gear

Landing strip

Ls connection

Chemical extraction

American exports

Diamonds are for Trevor

Mixed up with coke

Edited by bigfattone

The LS connection's good too.

There's a lot if cash lying around in crates in that mission.


Also like defender and extradition.

i've done that mission several times and it's still not on the missions list, any idea why?


I like Los Santos Connection. It's about the closest thing to heist right now. Plus there is a lot of explosions in that mission. :-D

Yea and Stocks and scares also has that heist like feel to it.

1. If you have a buzzard already then _Mixed up with Coke_ is a great mission for RP and the money is ok especially since its only $200 to call Pegasus. You can get lots of bonus RP for killing the cement trucks and +25rp per kill hanging around since there is no timer and lots of bad guys at the construction site and a half dozen or more SUVs.


2. Buzzard practice, flying skillups, low cost, high RP, and can do it solo very quickly.


3. Profit.


P.S. Shark Card

Edited by Kaber

I like any mission that takes time to complete. I don't get all of the people in this game that only want to play quick missions. Easy=boring, in my opinion. I just want the co-op mission creator. That is what will give this game longevity....an unlimited amount of money making co-ops.

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