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Where to make a non-GTA concept thread?

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So, yeah, I´m planning on making a concept thread, but it has nothing to do with GTA (Even tough it is supposed to be an open-world like game). Since all concept threads seem to be made in this subforum, should this also be made here? Or should it be moved to the Off-Topic, since this is inside the GTA section? Just wondering.

Edited by Mr.Killa
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Sorry, I'm dumb and didn't notice the Creator's Lounge thread. Looks like it has some concepts outside of GTA, or am I mistaking?

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I made a pretty big Bully 2 concept a while back. I posted it in Gaming chat and never got any flack for it

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I made a pretty big Bully 2 concept a while back. I posted it in Gaming chat and never got any flack for it

Ok, thank you for confirming that. Might have something to do with Bully being made by R* and suggested to be a part of the same universe (Like Manhunt), but I guess I´ll take a shot.

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It´s acually set in Gotham City, but it doesn´t have a lot to do with Batman, but more the criminals of the city. I chose Gotham City because it makes it easier to make a free enviroment without having to base it on one particular real-life city, and that Gotham is loaded with crime in the Batman comics and movies. I also wanted it to be set outside the GTA universe because there are some songs on the radio stations I have made that have been in previous GTA games, and R* never does that.

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