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People keep saying the problem...


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...with mansions is multiple people owning the same one. I have been in sessions with friends who have the exact same apartment that I have...so how would it be so difficult to have the same thing with mansions? All you do is walk to the blue highlighted area and buzz their apartment. Why couldn't you do the same thing with mansions?

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With apartments you can at least pretend its a different apartment in the building. But with a mansion its the exact same thing.

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With apartments you can at least pretend its a different apartment in the building. But with a mansion its the exact same thing.

Seriously...it is a GAME?! Who cares? How many people really go there anyways, besides to change clothes and get a car?

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there aint gonna be mansions ffs



lol... Ya right.



R* will add mansion eventually, but they won't be cheap. Im not sure why you think they won't.



Mansion could sell for 5-10 million which is great for cash cards.

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With apartments you can at least pretend its a different apartment in the building. But with a mansion its the exact same thing.

Seriously...it is a GAME?! Who cares? How many people really go there anyways, besides to change clothes and get a car?

If its a game, why even have a garage, house, gun shop, clothes shop or anything?


Everything should just spawn out of the blue, why even have a landscape with buildings.


Everyone should just be running around like chickens with their heads cut off, shooting and stabbing each other...



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there aint gonna be mansions ffs


lol... Ya right.



R* will add mansion eventually, but they won't be cheap. Im not sure why you think they won't.



Mansion could sell for 5-10 million which is great for cash cards.

I agree... we already know they can open the interiors from seeing Michael and Franklin's houses in death matches
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