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Comet without spoiler, I am on the hunt!


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Hey guys I am really on the hunt for a wingless comet and I would love it if some people could tell me the codes for GTA Hazard Save Editor!



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Lethal Vaccine

So far, people think it can't be done with the Save Editor. It's like the light bars for the Police Buffalo, it just can't be removed. I also wish I could remove the stupid spoiler on the Comet, it's awful and I want it to look like GTA IV's Comet.

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The lightbar is a separate entity. Spoiller should be removable. No one thought u could remove the top from a mesa.

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Lethal Vaccine

Yeah, to remove the spoiler on the Police Buffalo is easy, it's Body Style 2.


But still, all I want is the light bar to come off and it just can't it seems. Light bars come off the Police Cruiser and Sheriff Cruisers, though.


However, this is for the Comet and it can't be done I doubt...

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King Reflex is your suggestion for hex editor or save editor?

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