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The High Life Update Release Date?

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Same here ^_^ i guess the only thing that will be memorable is getting my XB1 this week :) i wish the update came out today so much but atleast I have time to money glitch! Hahahaha

Wanna help each other with that endeavor?


I don't have any friends that are down to glitch.


Im on ps3.


AAANNND I just made my first legitimate 2 mil.


I wanna celebrate by doubling it really fast lol


It was a mistake teasing us with the 'coming soon' info a few weeks back. I was excited and ready to go. I no longer care. I'm beaten down and have lost all hope. Haven't even fired up GTAO in a few days now.


If I didn't know it was coming, I'd probably still be playing. Dumb and happy as can be. But knowing it's out there, and I can't have it... not cool Rockstar.

  • Like 7

Yeah this was the first time cars were announced and then not released within a week. I know they did it to drum up interest but it's a bit annoying now that the announcement was made over a month ago and we are still waiting. It's like the mini version of heists. I'm also a bit disappointed that no new info has been released about HL in the last 30 days. couldn't they release some info about how many new apartments there are going to be, or possibly where they will be? i don't see why everything has to be a huge secret.

  • Like 3

From what I've read about Rockstar's release history, 2016 2 days before the possible total shutdown of Live on 360, and the heists 3 days after thats :p

Live will exist for like 10 more years. Microsoft wouldn't be dumb enough to shut it down when games are still being made for it. Look at ps2, it still has some online servers active.




I am very grateful that I am not an immature, impatient child.


I will dance a jig the day you get banned again.


Pics or get banned.


IMO lying is a bannable offense.

I think its time you re evaluated yourself

Just did ...got an A plus.



  • Like 1


Same here ^_^ i guess the only thing that will be memorable is getting my XB1 this week :) i wish the update came out today so much but atleast I have time to money glitch! Hahahaha

Wanna help each other with that endeavor?


I don't have any friends that are down to glitch.


Im on ps3.


AAANNND I just made my first legitimate 2 mil.


I wanna celebrate by doubling it really fast lol


Yea sure my psn id is nick_gotswade34 :)

It's all about that almighty dollar!


Yeah this was the first time cars were announced and then not released within a week. I know they did it to drum up interest but it's a bit annoying now that the announcement was made over a month ago and we are still waiting. It's like the mini version of heists. I'm also a bit disappointed that no new info has been released about HL in the last 30 days. couldn't they release some info about how many new apartments there are going to be, or possibly where they will be? i don't see why everything has to be a huge secret.


I said the same in another thread. It's not like 343 spoiling the story of "Halo 5" or something, it's freaking apartments in GTA. The fact that they announce it and then complete bleeping radio silence about it is ridiculous.

And then it comes out and it's probably not gonne be anything special. But whatever. Low expectations are better than high ones.



yeah i'm gonna be really annoyed if it's like "hey check out the new apartments we added to eclipse towers and richards majesic with slightly different views and a different floor inside for $800k"


I'm really hoping there are multiple (like at least 6 or 7) NEW apartment buildings throughout the city and country with multiple apartments in each, plus some new 10 car garages up north or something. not just a new unit in one or 2 different existing buildings.

Edited by blk95ta


From what I've read about Rockstar's release history, 2016 2 days before the possible total shutdown of Live on 360, and the heists 3 days after thats :p

Live will exist for like 10 more years. Microsoft wouldn't be dumb enough to shut it down when games are still being made for it. Look at ps2, it still has some online servers active.


Indeed. What a lot of people don't seem to understand is that the live for the 360 is the very same live they use for the Xbox 1. I have both an Xbox 360 and an Xbox 1 and I use my same account for both, same friends list, same name, hell, they even share the same gamerscore (for that matter, I also own a PS3 and a PS4, and they use the same account as well). 360 won't be taken off live for a loooooong time.


And then it comes out and it's probably not gonne be anything special. But whatever. Low expectations are better than high ones.

If there's a new apartment in Eclipse I'm going to LMAO. If it's majority new apartments in the same buildings, I'm going to be ticked and disappointed and I'm thinking that's probably what it's going to be - and if that's what it is, that's just completely unnecessary. There's no need for new apartments in the same buildings, they could just have people have the option to switch appearance for pre-existing apartments.


In fact, I don't see any reason for more apartments in the same buildings.

Idk when it comes out but when it comes out, lots of threads will appear here complaining how bad and boring the update is. Just like last time, people crying the (jester?) Correct me if im wrong, had no reverse lights, hating on R* is the only thing some people on here do. But yet they play all day...


OT : my guess is the 20th of may

Edited by Cwinny24

Idk when it comes out but when it comes out, lots of threads will appear here complaining how bad and boring the update is. Just like last time, people crying the (jester?) Correct me if im wrong, had no reverse lights, hating on R* is the only thing some people on here do. But yet they play all day...


OT : my guess is the 20th of may


Oh I know, although none of the updates were as wonnndurful as that delightful Beach Bum update. (/sarc)

Edited by smokingndriving
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