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looking to join race crew on ps3


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can anyone suggest a good race crew to join on ps3


I mostly join random races, my win loss ratio is W 210 L 185


I cant find races where catchup is turned off. dont care too much about the other race settings.


need to join a crew where catchup is never used.


any suggestions are welcome


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hey wimthetim, we pretty much always turn off catchup and slipstream and promote clean racing. However, we're mainly a Sultan racing group. But I am open to running other cars and tracks sometimes. Crew link in sig.

Edited by rkent
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Hey bro, there's a new car crew that started a few days ago and already has nearly 100 members. It's called HK Race Society, we host car meets, cruises, races, and other fun events. Everyone in the crew is chill, no killing each other and all that other bullsh*t. Check us out: http://socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/hk_race_society

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