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Will Half Life 3 make more money than GTA V?

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Half Life 1 and Half life 2 were one of the most the revolutionary games ever. Also they have counter strike series, team fortress 2, portal 1 and 2 and Half life episode 1 and 2. Everyone is expecting it for almost 10 years and everyone thinks that it will be revolutionary. Half life 1 and 2 were revolutionary. Now, HL3 will be on the next gen consoles and with probably 12 years (maybe more) difference between half life 2 and HL3. Gta can't stay in front of this monster.

Edited by Fan GTA III
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I've looked on wiki, an apparently, the Half-Life franchise sold 20 mil. copies. GTA V alone did better. Also, by the time HL 3 comes out, GTA V will be long forgotten.


Oh, one more thing. Why the f*ck are you comparing an FPS to an Open-World game?

Edited by Th3MaN1
Oh, one more thing. Why the f*ck are you comparing an FPS to an Open-World game?

Yeah it's not like 90% of this forum constantly compares GTA to Call of Duty or anything!


Also, it makes perfect sense to compare games from two different genres when all you're talking about is projected sales figures.


In any event, I'll believe the HL3 hype when I see it. Which will likely be never.

Edited by gtarelatedusername2

I've looked on wiki, an apparently, the Half-Life franchise sold 20 mil. copies. GTA V alone did better. Also, by the time HL 3 comes out, GTA V will be long forgotten.


Oh, one more thing. Why the f*ck are you comparing an FPS to an Open-World game?


Lol. What's your problem? Did you actually read my post? I said MAKE MORE MONEY/SELL. All games make money/sell their product.


However, by this logic, gta V isn't better than Mario Or fifa because those games are different gen. A thing is a thing. An infromation is a information and as long as we report all these "THINGS"/INFROMETION at this universe/laws of fizic/nature, everything is comparable and has a value.

Edited by Fan GTA III

HL3 is vaporware and this topic is vapor.

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