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How much $ would u need

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Maybe just a few hundred thousands, to buy the nicest clothing and a second property (possibly just a garage).


Really, thats it. I rather save my money, for the clothing Rockstar showed off in the GTA: O Gamplay trailer. You know, the Feud baseball jersey etc.




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Garage/Apartment- probably somewhere between 50 and 400k. Let's say 300k.

Probably buy at least 1 new vehicle also that I'm guessing will cost maybe 500k ish(just a guess) + full mods= 850k?

Also I like to have leftover money. So probably 1.5 Mill at least...X2 characters lol. So I'm looking to have at least 3 mill. Around 1.2 at the moment.

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Well i guess since this is a shoot in the dark kinda thread...here goes


3 million if you want it all

Clothing items 150-200k

Vehicles (all) 1.5 to 2 mil.

Weapons/Attachments 75-100k

2nd Apt/Garage (High end ones starting at) 500k plus

I think this would be the most accurate.


I will purchase a new garage and fill it with 7 cars. But I am going to go for about 4 million, busy grinding for it now so I hopefully will have change once I've purchased my new toys.

Edited by DaTwista
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Well i guess since this is a shoot in the dark kinda thread...here goes


3 million if you want it all

Clothing items 150-200k

Vehicles (all) 1.5 to 2 mil.

Weapons/Attachments 75-100k

2nd Apt/Garage (High end ones starting at) 500k plus

I think this would be the most accurate.


I will purchase a new garage and fill it with 7 cars. But I am going to go for about 4 million, busy grinding for it now so I hopefully will have change once I've purchased my new toys.


My first purchase will also be the 2nd Apt/Garage

The Vehicles will depend on how much i like them but will be 2nd

Weapons.....not sure

Clothing items..........I could care less unless it was Biker or Redneck Items......then i might drop a dime on them....but i think i read that clothing was going to be designer stuff .......I would have to laugh if "Dickies" Bib Overalls made the cut LOL

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for the next update you would need 10millions + 5 ($100) cashcards


Maybe just a few hundred thousands, to buy the nicest clothing and a second property (possibly just a garage).


Really, thats it. I rather save my money, for the clothing Rockstar showed off in the GTA: O Gamplay trailer. You know, the Feud baseball jersey etc.




those prices tho!

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2.75 million would be an estimate for me. Cars in total might cost about 2.1 million (with upgrades, assuming you have unlocked all performance upgrades and spent a little bit of cash on paintjobs + parts). Bike might cost 250K with upgrades. Apartment may cost around the 300K price range and clothes can be placed around the 100K mark since I'm pretty sure they wont add any news expensive outfits (like suits). Mostly because there were a lot of suits and expensive clothing in the Business Update. Gun will be around the 30K range with attachments.

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I'll dust off the Crystal ball, (for reference I had the Roosevelt at $800K)


Zentoreno $1.1mil

Masacaro $ 225K

Huntley $ 300K


New apartments from 2x to 3x the price of Apocalypse Towers


so ya ..... "all if it...."




Depending on stats, I doubt the Zentoreno will be more than the Adder - unless it has superior stats.

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I'll dust off the Crystal ball, (for reference I had the Roosevelt at $800K)


Zentoreno $1.1mil

Masacaro $ 225K

Huntley $ 300K


New apartments from 2x to 3x the price of Apocalypse Towers


so ya ..... "all if it...."




Depending on stats, I doubt the Zentoreno will be more than the Adder - unless it has superior stats.

I think R* is knows the Yoloswag boys won't be able to resist chroming it if they price it at $.01 more than the Adder :colgate:

Edited by jcph3
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I'll dust off the Crystal ball, (for reference I had the Roosevelt at $800K)


Zentoreno $1.1mil

Masacaro $ 225K

Huntley $ 300K


New apartments from 2x to 3x the price of Apocalypse Towers


so ya ..... "all if it...."




Depending on stats, I doubt the Zentoreno will be more than the Adder - unless it has superior stats.

I think R* is knows the Yoloswag boys won't be able to resist chroming it if they price it at $.01 more than the Adder :colgate:



This is true.

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