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Massive lag spike when calling car?


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The title says it all..Does anybody else keep getting massive fps lag spikes when calling for their car? It starts right after I request my car and ends right when the Mechanic calls saying he couldn't deliver it(as seen in the video below). It happens almost every single time I call my car, and sometimes I even see a blown-up version of my car spawn instead. Could the Mechanic be spawning my car inside the ground or something?


In this video I recorded and uploaded, you can see how bad the lag is, and how it ends right as the Mechanic stops trying to deliver my car. Should I re-install my game data or something?


P.S: This is my first thread on here, so plz don't go too hard on me :)

Edited by fofofofofofofofo
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I wouldn't worry about it, it never happens to me, and its not really a big deal compared to other stuff such as freezing, and server splits

Edited by Flyby29
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Yes i have noticed this pretty much after the 1.11 update, now i just keep with that ever car i have out and use the request pv option.

At least that one still works.

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I get that when I request a different car after my previous car has been destroyed.

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grand theft spaghetti

your game almost freezing and the mechanic not showing up is a big deal.

i hate when people type, well it hasnt happened to me so who cares.


its part of the same bug that hard freezes the game and makes all the other players leave the lobby.

another problem to add to the list of sh*t the update screwed up.

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your game almost freezing and the mechanic not showing up is a big deal.

i hate when people type, well it hasnt happened to me so who cares.


its part of the same bug that hard freezes the game and makes all the other players leave the lobby.

another problem to add to the list of sh*t the update screwed up.

I never said I didn't care about it, I was saying that comparatively speaking to other things such as constant freezing its not a game breaking glitch and you shouldn't get super upset over it Edited by Flyby29
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Well, now I just saw my Entity spawning everywhere inside the ground(and blowing up every single time), so im guessing it's the Mechanic trying to spawn my car inside the ground, and all the explosions or whatever is causing the lag...Still annoying, since I cant call my car anymore. :(

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Happened again, except this time my Entity XF actually spawned, but it was badly damaged(missing a back wheel, bent really badly)


EDIT: as you can see in the video, the lag stops right when the car icon appears, so I think my game's car spawning system is really screwed up.

Edited by fofofofofofofofo
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If the framerate of this game could be any slower than i would say yes I notice... But it runs so poorly I can't tell.

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Don't worry, it's the mechanic using his powers to teleport your vehicle.

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Oh I've noticed that. It's a real pain in the arse when it happen.

Having 1 frame per second, or less, for like 20 to 30 seconds in the middle of a firefight is a big problem.
All that to not even get your car delivered.

I also have seen my car appearing and disappearing constantly during this period. The problem exist since they fired Johnny on the Spot... I would rather have the mechanic !

Edited by FR_Player-One
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I agree, i would prefer to chase my mechanic across the map or have him drive my car into a wall or a river than deal with this botched up delivery system we have now.


At least we knew where our car's were.

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